Chapter 10 - Epoch

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It flees.

I have no more. I don't remember.

No. No! I don't want to. I don't want to release! I don't want to forget!

It's too late.

It's gone.

Just like that, I'm hopeless. Pathetic. Why is she so determined to know? I don't want her to be hurt. I don't wish she ended up like me...

It hurts.

"You... Are you a god?"

"But you can control things!"

"You can command!"

"You can build!"

"You can make people... Happy"

"You can rule other people, but in a good way!"

"Isn't it awesome?"


I'm weak. I can't even save a life. I'm too naive. I'm not good at protecting, even myself. Myself... Is weak.


How long has this been? is it days? Weeks? Months? Years? it's gone, it's been a long time. However, I still don't remember it either. How did this happen, and what caused it?

"Eil! Run and hide!" The woman shouted at me from a distance. Her eyes are pinkish brown, and she wears a white dress and a necklace. She cries.

"Young lady, please save yourself!" An older man also shouted, dressed like a farmer. He looked at me with a forced look.

I can see myself crying. The occurrence happens in front of my eyes, it is like a memory. I stand there looking at another me who is trembling to walk. Her mouth was open, unable to say a word. Tears came out of her eyes. Her whole body shook, staring at the two older people holding a weapon pointed at the door.

"..." She eventually ran away using the back door. As soon as she set foot on the outdoor ground, she saw chaos. Bloodshed. Bodies were scattered everywhere. She closed her mouth. Startled, but didn't stop in her tracks. She keeps on running.

Through all the scattered bodies, she left aimlessly. Her feet walk without orders. Towards the forest regardless of the direction, she was heading. Deep in the dense forest, with only one shoe to protect one foot. She cries. She was disappointed in herself. She is angry. "why...?"

Of all people, why only her? What are her rights?

Before she could shed more tears, sharp blue eyes took shelter under the scorching heat of the scorching sun. A girl shrouded in darkness in her dark clothes wearing an umbrella looks at her in confusion. 

"Is it... you?" The girl in black spoke. During the meeting between the two divinities, they finally came face to face with each other—the first face of discoveries.

"w... who" Panic and full of confusion, Eil spoke.

"Do you know who you are?" The dark-clothed girl asked again. "Do you know what you are?"

"What do you mean?" Eil confused.

The girl in black realized that the girl in front of her had godhood within her. Something she also felt was in the girl. She didn't know that even in that state, the girl in front of her wasn't even on the same level as she thought. She had always assumed that people like herself and the girl were dangerous. Something in them is always conflicted. However, she was wrong. She had done wrong. She was silent and contemplated all the fatal mistakes she had made.

"I-I..." She stutters. She felt... guilty. She felt stupid. All he could do was stare at the girl in front of her who was afflicted by her mistakes.

"Who are you?" The girl in white ask. Still confused by the sudden event.

"I'm sorry" Is what the girl in black wants to say, yet, she holds her tongue. She keeps her pride stays still. "You shouldn't be here," She said.

"I-I don't know where I'm going" She speaks.

"Follow me,"  She tells.

The girl in black led her way away far in the opposite direction to where the bad incident happened. Brings the girl home away to her palace, holding her hand tightly in guilt.

From there, they left. Unbeknownst to the girl in white as to why everything happened, she was grateful. She was grateful for the existence of this girl in black. Without her knowing all her actions to her.

Thus, they left. Unknowledgeable of the present.



The day after, they returned. Seeing the remnants of the village destruction she had done to Eilrine. Everything has ended. Buried in silence, they stood straight facing the direction of the pile of tombstones. Moreover, the two with jewels by the girl in white and a rose lay in front of them.

They are together. They face off. Staring at the girl in black, Eilrine replied with a smile without any ill thoughts toward her.

The girl in black feel terribly bad. She wants to apologize. She can't bare her emotion. Without thinking she drew closer to the girl in white and gently stroked her cheek, tears silently pouring out. 

Girls in black shouldn't feel pity. She shouldn't be discouraged. She shouldn't be sad. But she wanted, she felt her need.

And as quickly as a flash of lightning, at that time, they felt empty. They were blown into the void, the gateway to the middle. And so on, they've created Arcaea.


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A/N: It is done! Chapter 10 of Memories of Arcaea! Just a few more to banish their suffering and put an end to the history of Arcaea.

(862 Words)

Hope you like it^^

Upcoming Next. Chapter 11 - Reminiscences

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