Chapter 1- Vampire Hunting

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Chapter One- Vampire Hunting

The darkness reflected off the glistening street. Street lamps shimmering off the pools of water as I jogged past them staying in the shadows hiding from the person in front of me. He turned the corner into the never ending alley way to find his newest victim. Such a filthy vermin; feeding off innocent people's fear and blood. Vampires. They'll always be around. Humans will always know about them but they'll never take the warnings of missing people being mauled to death into consideration.

Hollywood isn't as clueless and off topic as civilians like to think they are. Although they do get certain things wrong such as them sparkling in the sunlight- They can go into the sun but only for a short amount of time otherwise they'll shrivel up- or not being able to look into a mirror -They can look but they only see an outline and faint reflection. I stepped out of the shadows to further follow the perpetrator into the alley, moon light shone like a halo around my dark hair expressing the truth more than people ever realized.

I took cautious steps forward only to hear the light footsteps of the vampire walking further down the passageway towards his victim at the end of the lane. I quickened my pace to match his light tread so I could make myself even less noticeable in the darkness. My enhanced hearing caught the rapid breathing of the victim trying to hide behind a dumpster that stunk of rotten oranges and week old compost that the garbage men forgot to pick up.

I walked to the side of the dumpster closest to me and placed my thin pale hand onto the rough surface of the gritty dumpster that smelled of the room that the teenage delinquent occupied across from me in the orphanage that my parents left me in. Peering around the back of the container I saw a young girl of about eight shivering. Taking a deep breath I blew a lungful of hot air her way; she stopped shivering at once but looked around disorientated as to why she would be warm all of a sudden.

"Pstt," She looked up frightened in case it was the man looking for her

"No, look to your left," I whispered more frantic because in the corner of my eye I knew I had not only caught her attention but his as well.

"Take a deep breath, be careful and shut your eyes tight. I don't want you to witness this," I breathed trying to calm her down so he wouldn't be able to smell her fear and feast off it. The only thing I wanted him to sense was my confidence with where he'll end up.

"I know you're there! You should be very afraid of me," His loud voice boomed down the silent lane making rats scurry away in fright.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves catching not only the rancid smell of the dumpster but the little girls fear full force even more scared than before. Imagine knowing that the one person you're really trying to protect, you can't; because the real monster has become a part of them. That they won't give in even under the threat of death. That they take pleasure in other people's fear and enjoy seeing them plead for mercy before they end their innocent life. Shaking my head from the tragic thought I pulled myself up from the ground and stood up, my tall head towering over the rim of the dumpster.

"Why should I be afraid of you? You've not met me yet. Perhaps you've heard the legends of the Guardian Angel." I step forward into the lone string of light shining like a spotlight onto my body as he intakes a large gulp of air. My eyes were still hidden but that didn't mean he should be brave.

Once in a while it is fun dealing with a creature who thinks they can stand up against the Guardian Angel but I'll be in trouble when I get back home so I'll have to finish the fight that's sure to come up quickly.

"Your name is the scariest thing about you. You're just a stupid girl! Nothing but a weak little girl who has taken credit for a brave man's protection." My anger flared at that comment. How dare he say such a thing! I can kill him without looking up and he wouldn't even know what hit him. Insolent little jerk thinking just because he can speak meaningless words I'll run away in fright.

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