Chapter 3- Noelle and Co.

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Chapter Three- Noelle and Co.

I was sitting in the passenger seat next to Noelle with music playing softly in the background to stop awkward silences. As I looked out the window miles of green land were passing by me at astounding speeds. The city landscapes were long gone as soon as we left St. Augustine and were on our way to Albany, Georgia. It had been about three and a half hours since we left.

"Are you hungry we're nearly there" Noelle smiled over at me

"How much longer will it be until we get there?" Glancing away from the scenery I looked over at Noelle's smiling face and answered her question with one of my own.

"About half an hour"

"Yeah I'm kind of hungry but I'll be fine until we get there" That was a complete lie seeing as didn't get to eat lunch this morning or even have time to grab a cup of coffee. I was starving but I didn't want to seem rude.

"Okay. Well when we get there what do you want to do first?" Her ring glistened on her finger as she reached up and closed up the sun roof.

"What is there to do? I'll probably unpack or something. Maybe go and see the surrounding area, the sights," I couldn't wait to see what the town would look like and whether or not I'll be having busy nights or if I'll have to go to a town near by to save people.

"Well I have a son named Aiden. He's around your age so you can hang out with him. I'm sure you'll love him."

"Well tell me one of his embarrassing childhood stories," I grinned knowing she had now captivated my full attention and my hunger was long forgotten

"I do like you, Madison" She winked at me before continuing "When Aiden was in first grade, we took a trip to his aunts farm over thanksgiving break. On the last day we were there she showed us her chickens and the eggs and she let Aiden take one to eat when we got back home... I took it from him and put it in an egg carton and thought nothing of it. Little did I know that Aiden had taken it out and was cuddling it the whole ride home. When we finally got home he brought it inside and put it in his underwear drawer to keep it warm! The next day he put it in his bag, brought it to school, and told his entire class he had a real baby chick in his backpack. I got a call from his teacher and this is what she said 'Mrs. Byers I would just like to say I know I'm not supposed to had favorites but Aiden is mine. I turned around in the classroom and saw all the kids standing around Aiden's bag! I walked over to see what he had and there was a crushed egg in his bag!' He wasn't in trouble and his teacher asked me at the end of the year if she could be my Facebook friend to keep up with all of Aiden's stories"

I was laughing so hard I hadn't realized we had pulled up into a drive way with a large white house set back slightly from the road. There was a big oak tree to the left half of the garden with a red brick planter surrounding it. Healthy green grass swayed in the wind and a snaking pathway lead up to the stairs with a rainbow of floras in the flower bed next to the stairs. On the porch were white garden chairs and a table next to it with a cup of coffee resting on it. I stepped out of the car gasping at the beauty of the whole house.

"It's gorgeous, Noelle," I breathed in awe

"Well its home. Now let's grab your bag and we can go have lunch before I give you a tour of the house." While I was looking at the house in amazement Noelle had already reached the back of the car and pulled out my suitcase and placed it in front of me. She was practically bouncing with excitement as she walked up the paved trail leading up to the house with me trailing behind her slowly.

"Come on keep up." She yelled over her shoulder as she opened the big red door that lead into the foyer.

"Coming..." I jogged up behind her and stepped into the air conditioned house and shut the door behind me. In front of me was a large grandfather clock that was ticking a couple minutes fast. To my left was an open door that led into a living room and to my right was a closed door and a large polished wooden staircase.

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