Chapter Three

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Heeyo :) Im sorry its took me a long time....:\ I need to get back into this writing thing. Anywho, Im hoping you are liking the story so far, it hasn't really gotten far yet, you will see what is up head soon!! Ryan and I are excited about this one!! :D Yeaa!! Well here we go..Chapter3!



Ella's POV:

I skip ahead with Bethan as we talk about what else we are going to do while we are here at this wonderful Carnival. We have planned to go on all the rollercoasters because I have finally gotten over my fears of heights, but that doesn't mean I wont be scared, I will still probably have to sit next to Jace still. But at least I am able to go on the rides and not have to sit and wait for everyone to come off the ride.

Bethan and I run into line right as I remember we don't have any money. I turn around just as the boys were coming up behind us, "Guys, we don't have any money..." I say creating a side smile.

Sam looks at me and nods and turns to Brennan and Jace. I look over at Bethan and then stick my hands in my pocket of my sweater and feel a lump of crumpled paper. I pull it out, and it is a twenty dollar bill. "Look Ella has money!" Brennan says and walks over to me. "Can we use it to buy Kettle Corn?" I nod slowly.

"You're paying me back though!" I laugh as I buy the kettle corn and shove a small hand full in my mouth.

The others grab hand fulls and start eating the the delicous Kettle Corn as we walk down the rows of food stands and games to find a table to eat at. I put the Kettle Corn in the middle of the table and everyone attacks it. "I'm glad you waited until I put that down to attack it." I laugh and the others look up and start to laugh and I join in with them.

I sit there and watch my new friends eat the kettle corn like wild animals.  I take little pieces of the food and eat them slowly. I think to myself, I am looking at my first ever real friends that actually like me for who I am, and not for who they think I am or for my voice, they don't even know that I can sing.

I smile off into space as Jace waves his hand in front of my face. He must of left the table while I was occupied by the many distractions surrounding me.  I shake my head and walk to his direction as he laughs at me. "Come, I want to show you something." He says taking my hand and pulling me off into the distance. I follow him, only because he is still holding my hand. I smile as we wait in line for something. We stand there in awkward silence, but as soon as wereach the front of the line I back up away from Jace. "What? come on."

"We-we're g-going on th-that?" I ask shuddering as I beginning to sweat because I'm scared. I release my hand from Jace's warm grasp. 

"Don't worry, I'm going with you." He says, taking my hand again as I follow him onto the Ferris Wheel. I start to hyperventilate but try to stay calm as I let go of Jace's hand and buckle up my seat belt and then sit  back against the chair.

I look forward trying so ever hard not to move one muscle in my body so the bench doesn't rock back and forth. I start to calm down a little, but then we start to move and my eyes widen. Jace looks over at me and reaches over for my hand. He grabs it and holds it tight as we look out onto the wonder ful, mesmerizing landscape. The rows and rows of trees along the horizon as the sun starts to set and the clouds float alone the sky. We start to fall back down  the circle of the Ferris wheel and back up again. I stay calm not wanting anything to happen. We go around a couple more times, still amazed, and then we get off.

I sigh in relief as I hold Jaces hand tight and step off the ride. It feels so good to be on actually land again. I dread the day I have to fly in an airplane. 

I look over at him and then down at our hands still intertwined, I blush and quickly look away looking away hoping Jace doesn't know I am blushing. I start to walk back to the others when I see Sam in an empty corridor between two Circus tents.I see that he is egging on some guys. "Jace..." I say turning around trying to get Jace's attention. "JACE!" I yell when I notice that he didn't hear me.

He runs over and I point over to Sam yelling at the boys, as a couple of young looking girls run away from them. Jace all of a sudden gets really angry. I hold him back as we walk closer to Sam. I hold Jaces hand so he doesn't go and tackle the boys that were with the girls. Jace seems to know what is going on but I have no clue, so I just hold his hand and walk towards Sam. We get five feet away from him and he turns around and says. "Go away I will handle them!" Sam yells at us so loud and filled with anger. I turn to Jace with confusion in my eyes and he stares deep into them, and he lets go of my hands and walks towards Sam.

Sam pushes Jace back and says, "Let me deal with this, Jace!" Jace doesn't move. Sam takes a tight grip on Jace's arm and shoves it behind his back, "I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to Jace." He said and Jace nods, Sam lets go of Jace and he steps back towards me. Sam's deep brown eyes are filled with malice, and revenge as his intention. I am scared about what is going to happen. 

The two boys, that I think were harassing the girls that ran away stood up to run away, but out of no where Brennan and Bethan come out of nowhere and stood right in front of them so they couldn't leave or go anywhere. Sam runs up behind the boys and kicks one in the back of the knee and he falls to the ground and grabs the other one's shirt and starts to spin him around in circles. Sam stops and grabs the boys arm and puts it behind his back like he did to Jace. He pushes it up high until the boy screams. Sam covers his mouth and looks around to make sure no one is coming, kicks him in the nuts and does the same to the other and grabs mine and Jaces hands and run towads Brannon and Bethan. I grab Bethan's hand and Brennan follows us as we run for the exit so the police dont catch us.

I let go of Bethan's hand and she grabs on to Brennan's and we split up. Sam run's in the other direction with his shaggy blonde hair bouncing and Jace and I stay together. We get out of the fair, but we don't see anyone else once we are out. I look up at Jace with worry in my eyes, but right then Bethan and Brennan run out. I smile and run to hug Bethan, "I was so worried." I say hugging her tightly, she giggles and reassures me that her and Brannon are fine.

"Where's Sam?" Jace says looking around for him.

"We didn't see him run out." I say looking around too.

"Sam!" Bethan yells.

"SAM!?" Bethan yells, and then we hear a blood-curdling scream.

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