Chapter Four

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 Hey guys! I have written the next chapter of TML for you!! Yes! Hope you guys enjoy it. Oh and what do you think of the new cover?! It is pretty awesome if you ask me. :) There is another version posted in the sidebar. Bye! ~Ryan 


Jace’s POV:

As soon as we hear the scream, we all start to sprint back to where we were originally trying to escape from. The scream is extremely loud, and gut-wrenching.  I can’t tell if it was coming from Sam or one of his victims. I lead the group back into the Carnival and trying to be quiet yet quick, because we don’t want to be caught sneaking into the Carnival but we want to stop Sam from the damaging these boys more than they already have.

Bethan catches up to me and mutters in my ear, “Jace, what are we going to do? This is the second time this has happened. We obviously aren’t doing a very good job at keeping Sam’s anger at bay.” Bethan looks hurt.

“I honestly don’t know right now. I guess all we can do in this situation is praying he doesn’t get caught.” I answer back. We keep running. After about two minutes we reach the empty corridor of grass in between two tents, and see Sam towering over top of three boys. The same boys that he was furious about for harassing those innocent girls. I glance at Ella. Her face is filled with dread and terror. Her expressions show that she is more confused than any one of us. The rest of us, know why Sam is doing this. It is because he has bipolar disorder. No one knows about it except for Brennan, Bethan and I.

Sam didn’t exactly tell us that he had it himself. His foster mom and dad came up to us once when Sam wasn’t there, and told us everything. When they told us, I couldn’t help but feel so bad for him. He lost his parents in a car crash, and then gets diagnosed with bipolar disorder when he was four. His parents gave us the responsibility to keep Sam’s emotions at bay, the best we could. That’s why when Sam flipped out on those boys, Bethan looked hurt. Because we failed to do what Sam’s parents asked.

“Sam! Stop! You have hurt these boys long enough! Brennan yells at the top of his lungs. There was anger and rage in his voice. His brown hair blows wildly in the wind and he is panting heavily from the run.

“But… But… These guys were harming these girls. They deserve it!” Sam’s voice cracks when he says this. He is furious. I can tell. Bipolar can leave a person really angry, or depressed, or super happy at times. The person has a hard time keeping their emotions at bay.

“Sam, stop it. This is not right. We need to leave right now, or something even worse is going to happen.” Ella adds in. Sam just shrugs that off though and winds his arms back. He is going to punch the one boy again. Before Sam can connect his fist with the boy’s nose, Ella sprints forward and puts herself in between the two. She is real brave of doing that. I don’t even know where she got it from. Before, she was shy and nervous. Afraid of everything, and now she is throwing herself in the middle of a fight not afraid of what might happen to her next.

Sam stops and does a double take for a moment. He is not used to Ella being like this. She is always silent and keeping to herself. He lowers his hand and his sharp breathing pace begins to slow. He seems calmer, and less angry. This is a good thing of course. He stares at Ella for a while. His blonde hair looks brighter than every with the shining sun gleaming off of it. I blow my hair out of my eyes. I look at the three young boys lying on the ground. The first one has sand coloured hair, and is cradling his arm. Sam probably broke it. The second boy has black hair, but shorter than mine. He is wearing a pristine white shirt that is now covering in blood, which probably came from the broken nose he has. The third boy, a little blood compared to the other guy, but he has his hand covering a big black welt surrounding his left eye. Sam gave that guy a black eye. Great. He injured all of them.

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