free the kingdom.

4 2 3

And so, the forest began to work on a plan to take down the tyrannical Queen - for the sake of the creatures and the long-suffering civilians.

First, the nymphs and spirits and benevolent beasts would take the elderly and the sick and the young and gather them out of harm's way -

And then the dragons, the destructive beasts, and the wyrms would destroy the first line of defense, the soldiers, with Faris leading the attack -

Soon afterward came the trickster spirits, zipping about the stables and village houses and watchtowers, clearing the path for Vie and Tennu and casting a disorienting spell -

And finally, Vie stormed the castle, Tennu right on her heels, before the fox rushed ahead, throwing the front gates open - and promptly disappeared into the main hall. Vie stumbled after her old companion, following the familiar scent of wind and dandelion wine.

After a little while of running, she was abruptly yanked into an alcove near the throne room, earning a small squeak from the young woman. Nearby, the duo could overhear the Queen ranting, panicking, to her advisor.

"- it's all that blasted girl's fault, Vie - Vie, Vie, V - I NEVER WANTED THAT GIRL ANYWAYS!" shrieked the old woman.

"Your Majesty, please -"

"NO! That girl has done NOTHING but cause trouble and ruin my plans, my kingdom, all for what?!" the Queen continued, turning her back to her right hand man, continuing to scream and rage incoherently.

It didn't take more than a glance for Tennu to know that Vie was about to do something stupid in a fit of rage. Her eyes were already welling with tears, fingers digging into the side of the alcove as she listened. Then she began to move -

Tennu interrupted her the moment he noticed her shoulders tensed. In the blink of an eye, the fox spirit bolted from the alcove, and right into the very body of the advisor.

He was in control now.

Just like he had possessed the man, as quick as a fox, Tennu seized the Queen under arrest.

"Wh - w- what are you doing?! UNHAND ME!" screeched the Queen, her voice similar to the displeased scream of an angry feline.

Without a word, Tennu walked the Queen down the main hall, out the front gates, and across the courtyard, all while Vie stumbled to catch up.

The Queen continued to struggle and fight and scream at the top of her elderly lungs, all to no avail. As the broken, crumbling outer walls of the city became nearer and nearer, the royal seemed to suddenly realize just how deep she was in this pit she had dug herself, after all those years of greed. She had never felt more exposed - especially when she was dragged out in front of her own citizens.

Tennu inhaled, deeply, before speaking as loud as possible, projecting his voice as if he were speaking into a megaphone:

"This is the woman that killed your King."

the princess & the beastsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz