I like ducks...

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Happy birthday to you,
You are a koala,
And I cannot rhyme,
Well enough to save my own mama,
Let alone yours,
I want a horse,
Trust me I do,
Autocorrect sucks,
I like ducks,
And so should you!

So...yeah...I guess I like ducks now. Mallard ducks are nice, I guess. I once had a duck named Sassy. She was a Mallard duck. She didn't have a green head though cuz only the boy Mallard ducks have green heads. Sassy was brown. And guess what, she lived up to her name. Sassy was S. A. S. S. Y. without a doubt, and he liked to bite toes, and totally controlled all the other ducks that we had even though she was the tiniest one that we had. We happened to have five ducks at the time ( there names were Doc, Billy, Daisy, Sassy, and then I don't remember the other one. Two were Swedish Blue ducks. But you don't care about that)
Anyways, photo cred goes to moi again. I took it at Dawsett trails I think, or maybe Noah's Ark but whatever. Bye.

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