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Ok...this poem is different. It's my own kind of style, not your typical rhyming first grader poem and it's actually serious. I wrote this a little while ago... I know that there is a chance that it might raise questions, but I'm prepared for that. But...don't ask me in person, if you have a question then message me.
And, this actually reflects my emotions....

P.S. If it's bad than I want you to let me know. I write a bunch of different types of poems but I want to know if I'm any good.


They think that I'm ok
They think their problems are worse
That may well be true
But I think it's time to say

When they wonder about my tears
When they still don't bother to ask
I'm sitting here forever waiting
And I might as well be for years

I wonder if they care about me
I wonder if it's ok to ask
But as soon as my decision is made
I'm overrun with the urge to flee

Why do they think I'm ok
Why don't they ask
I'm not sure if the decision is made
But I think it's time to say

Terrible PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now