Chapter 3

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I get on the bus and sit in my seat in the front, alone. I plugged my headphones in to my iPod and turned my music up full blast. We pulled up to the last stop where my friend Sonia gets on.

Sonia sits next to me and puts her book away, she asks me how my winter break was.

"It was great. I'm tired tho, I just got back from my dads yesterday."

"O yea I forgot you went to Utah for break. How was it?"

"Cold. It was about 9 degrees when I left." I laughed.

As we got closer to my school we started talking about my best guy friend, Steve.

"Did you know he's dating Abi now?" I ask

"Abi? Like Happy's Abi."

"Yes Happy's Abi."

"Happy as in Eduardo Gallegos?"

"Yes that Happy. How many Happys do we know?"

"Just checking. When did he tell you this?"

"He didn't Rocio told me. He won't text me back or nothing."


"Yea I texted him to tell him happy birthday and he was just like I'm busy bye. And that was like a week ago."

"You guys haven't talked in a week! That's so weird you guys usually never stop talking."

"Yea I know." I replied quietly.

We got off the bus and showed the teacher our IDs as we walked thru the school gates. Heather and Rocio were waiting for us.

"Rocio!!!!!!!!" I yelled

"Nikki!!!!!!" She replied.

She grabbed me in her infamous bear hug and I couldn't breathe.

"Can't breathe."

"I don't give a fuck." Was her reply.

She finally let me go and I turned around to hug Heather. As soon as my back was turned Rocio corndogged me.

"Ow! Rocio what the hell???" I shouted.

She just laughed in return. I opened my mouth to say something mean but right as I was about to talk the bell rang. We headed toward the gate as the boys walked toward the doors on the other side of the school where they enter.

As we walk thru the horde of girls I asked Rocio, " hey have you heard from Steve?"

"Nah, I haven't heard from him since he started dating Abi. But he's mad at me and I'm mad at him."

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because he didn't even wait a week after Happy and Abi broke up to get at Abi."

"True. Why did they even break up in the first place?"

"Happy was tired of her being with him but her and Steve flirting all the time so he told her to choose between him and Steve and she apparently chose Steve." She explained.

"That's jacked up." I replied.

"Yea Happy was really bad for awhile wanted to kill himself."

"What?!?!" I screeched. "And I'm just hearing about this now?"

"Yea but I convinced him that he was being stupid so all is good again."

"It better be." I muttered.

We approached my line and I saw Steve standing there talking to Diego. He turned and saw me, "hey!" I said excitedly. He just hugged me and turned and left. Me being who I am didn't think anything if it and stepped into the line. The first two periods passed by in a blur. Finally lunch was here, I wasn't hungry so I just walked outside. I hugged my friends Katia,Elisa,Marina,Happy,Rocio,Tall Eduardo, and Andres.

"As I was in mid conversation my arm was grabbed and I was dragged away. I looked up at my kidnapper and saw it was the one and only Steve.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Walk the field with me." He commanded.

"Fine let me grab my stuff."

I went back to the tables and grabbed my bag. I walked back to Steve only to find he was already on the field impatiently waiting. We started walking in silence. Steve was the one to break it.

"They broke up," He stated referring to Happy and Abi.

"Yea I know." I said.

"And I took my chance." He continued.

"I know that too."


"People talk." I shrugged.

"Damn a lot of people know what it did."

"Yup" I say.

"Now Happy wont talk to me."

I told you to leave it alone. I told you to distract yourself with someone else that was your best friends girl. Of course he wasn't going to talk to you. You thought you were in love, how many times have you thought that before. I think, but in reality I just nod.

"He has a reason to." I told him.

"I guess." He replied.

For the rest of lunch we talked about pointless things. After lunch the day came and went and before I knew it it was time to go home.

"Bye." I said to everyone as I walked toward my bus. I passed Steve on the way there, I started to walk towards him but he just turned and got on his bus. Feeling rejected I walked to my bus and got on, Sonia who would usually sit with me went to the library after school. So I put my headphones on and tuned everyone out.

I got off the bus and started walking home. I got home and did my chores plus more, my homework, helped my brother with his homework, and fed my turtle,Squirt. All the while waiting for Steve to text me, he never did.

It was around 9:30 when I decided to call it a day. I laid down and grabbed my phone. With hope in my heart I wrote the message:


Hey :)

And received


I'm on the phone with my girl bye.

With a hurt in my chest and a sick feeling in my stomach I clutched my phone to my chest and prayed sleep wouldn't abandon me tonight.

A.N: I know thus chapter is a lot longer than the others I'm so proud of myself and its only 5am lol. Thanks again for reading it means a lot.

A.A.N: How do you like it so far?????? Is it good or should I just stop it now

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