Chapter 4

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Over the next few days me and Steve started talking less and less and me and Happy started talking more and more.

Steve was completely ignoring me now. He didn't even say hi in the halls anymore, not even a hug now. I wonder if he is doing this because he wants to or is Abi making him. I was sad all the time now. I kicked myself for being so stupid, for actually believing that he cared about me.

It was lunch time and I was standing at the picnic tables helping Katia with her homework. Steve was right next to me talking to Diego.

"Ok you ummm subtract the 9x and do the same to the other and......" I was telling Katia when I noticed Steve was standing by me. Even tho I knew it wouldn't happen I waited for him to say hi.

"Then what?" Katia asked.

I didn't even pay attention to what she was saying, I was filled with hurt and so very close to tears.

"Katia I got to go umm I just can't"

I grabbed my bag and walked away. He was standing right next to me, he was so close we were touching and he didn't even look in my direction. I walked to the first friend I saw, Amy.

"Amy." I said

"Hey" she replied smiling and giving me a hug.

"Steve is pissing me off." I say in her ear

"How?" She asks pulling away.

"He won't talk to me at all." I reply. I continue to tell her how after he started dating Abi he changed, he stopped talking to me and started ignoring me.

"Amy I don't know what to do anymore."

"Where is he?" She asks

"On the field playing flag wars." I mutter.

"I'm going to go talk to him he doesn't need to be acting like that. Will you be ok if I leave?"

"Yea I'll be fine." I say but it sounds like I'm trying to convince myself more than her.

She turns to leave and I walk to a deserted picnic table and sit staring at nothing. Suddenly I feel someone sitting down next to me. I look and see my friend CC.

"Hey!" She says

"Hey CC." I say.

"What's up?"

"Steve's being a jerk."


"He is ignoring me."

"That asshole! Want to me beat him up for you?" She yells.

I laugh, "nah that's ok but if I do want him beat up I know who to call now."

She just similes and the bell rings signaling that I have to go to my next class.

"Bye CC." I say hugging her.

"Bye Nece."

I walk to my line and stand there alone and in silence. Then two arms wrap around my waist. I turn and its Steve."

"Hey." He says.

"Hi" I reply quietly.

He hugs me once more than leaves. I feel my eyes slowly start to fill with unwanted tears. I wipe my eyes and try to stop any more tears from escaping.

I couldn't concentrate in math if my life depended on it. It was finally time for art, I was happy, angry, and sad because I would see Steve this passing period.

"Class dismissed." Mr.Arnold said.

"Come on Nece." My friend Zcitlaly says.

I walk up to her and we walk out of class and down the hall. Down the hall a ways I see Rocio talking to Steve. Even tho I know I shouldn't I walk just a little faster in hopes Steve will see me and say hi. He comes to where he turns down the hall to head to photo journalism. I act like I don't notice he is there to see if he will say something. He sees me hugs me and leaves.

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