Chapter 3

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"What the hell, Stevie!" Wolf exclaimed. "You said there wasn't going to be any sex!"

"I said there wasn't going to be any sex with your grandfather." Stevie smirked.

"Oh my God." Wrenna rubbed her eyes. "If you had told me when I walked into that fucking room to get a photo with Joe Walsh that THIS would be how I was spending my time today, I would have never gone."

"No, Wrenna, you needed to know." Mick said, softly. She looked up at him. "You need to hear this, so that you really understand how wanted you were – and still are. It's good that we put this to bed now."

"You could have really used a different metaphor." Wolf muttered. Mick turned to him.

"Do you want to stay, or not?" He pointed.

"Wrenna gets to decide that, not you." Wolf countered.

"He's staying, Dad. Can we move on?"


1986. LA

Later in the day they went back to her house, with the intention that Joe would spend the night. Stevie took a bath that evening, leaving Joe watching MTV. But when she emerged from the bathroom, Joe was nowhere to be found. She found him downstairs, bent over the coffee table.

"Are you serious right now?" Stevie asked, pointing to the line of coke in front of him. She was horrified.

"What?" Joe asked, obliviously.

"You told me you weren't doing this anymore."

"Stevie, come on. It's just one line." He shrugged.

"YOU come on! You expect me to believe it's only one hit? Joe, I'm pregnant."

"I'm not." He laughed, and she watched in horror as he snorted the line off the table.

"This isn't happening. This can't be happening." She shook her head, turning to walk away. Joe stood up and walked towards her.

"Stevie, calm down."

"Calm down?! You're doing lines of coke off my coffee table, and you're telling me to calm down? Jesus Christ, Joe. You said you weren't doing this anymore! It almost killed me last year, and you've got this shit in my house?"

"It's not like I'm doing it all the time. It's just a little fun once in a while." He protested. Stevie's face went blank.

"You really don't get it, do you?"

"I mean, I know you can't do it."

"Yeah, and neither can you, at least not in my house. Get this shit and get out. Right now." She told him, calmly. He rolled his eyes and walked back to the living room, grabbing the baggie that was left sitting on the coffee table.

"Fine." He smiled. "I'll do it at my house." He shook the baggie in her face as he walked past her, slamming the door behind him.


That night, he called her, asking her to come spend the night with him.

"I got rid of all of it. Just come see me, just for a few hours. I just want to talk." He asked. She was still mad, but she could never seem to say no to him, and she soon found herself in a car headed to his house. When she came through the door he smiled at her, holding his arms out. She couldn't help herself but to smile back at him, walking right into his arms. It wasn't long before they were in his bed.

Time Makes You Bolder (Sequel to No One's A Fool)Where stories live. Discover now