Chapter 11

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The next morning was easy and light, as everyone passed through the kitchen, eating breakfast on their own schedules. Gabe took Aurora out to the beach early, while Wrenna slept in. Eventually, she joined them too, even getting on the surfboard for a bit. When they got back in, it was lunchtime, and Aurora was ready for a nap. Gabe got her settled, and then returned downstairs, where the family was beginning to congregate once again.

"So? Where do we start today?" Amy asked. "Please tell me there's something good coming, because we left off with you bitch slapping Joe."

"I thought that was kinda cool." Wolf shrugged.

"Cool, yes. Fun, no." Stevie retorted. "So, then I was about six months pregnant, and we were still trying to figure out this damn record." She looked at Mick. "I can't believe I ever let you talk me into recording with Fleetwood Mac again after that nightmare."

"We wanted more money." He said, smirking. Stevie opened her mouth to argue, but instead she smiled and nodded.

"That's true." She finally said. "But at the time, I was really ready to be done with that band. And somehow, the worst was yet to come."


1987. LA

True to her word, Stevie never reached out to Joe again – not for the next thirty years. As the days passed after their last meeting, she resolved to raise the baby on her own. Planning to have her in Phoenix, she met with a designer to start work on the nursery while she finished up work with the band in LA.

But aside from Joe, there was one other major stressor Stevie needed to contend with. The weeks leading up to May 7th had been contentious, to say the least. There had been arguments all around about Lindsey's behavior, and his involvement in the band. Stevie thought, though she couldn't confirm, that his threats not to tour with them were due to her pregnancy. This belief was only confirmed every time he looked at her growing abdomen and sneered.

By early May, she'd had enough. Still raw from the final encounter with Joe, and growing in irritation by the second at Lindsey's antics, she went into the meeting ready to argue. The entire band converged, along with Stevie's manager, Tony, band manager Dennis, and several others, to hash out Lindsey's announcement that he would, indeed, not tour with the band. There was some discussion, with Lindsey attempting to explain his decision. Stevie waited patiently, though tension in the room was growing by the second. Finally, Lindsey struck a nerve, proclaiming that he had given his all to this band for the last 12 years, and that he couldn't deal with "it all" anymore, motioning towards Stevie, Mick, John, and Christine as he said that final word.

"It all?!" Stevie echoed, incredulous. "You better watch out, Lindsey. There's other people in this room besides yourself!"

"Get this bitch out of my life! And fuck all of you." Lindsey snarled, turning to leave. But Stevie was enraged now, and she followed him outside, screaming at him to stop and hear what she had to say, with Lindsey throwing back his own insults. It wasn't until they were out by the cars and Stevie grabbed his arm that he snapped, turning to slap her across the face. Stevie was shocked, and she froze temporarily, giving him enough time to press her up against the side of someone's vehicle, his hands reaching around her throat. Stevie began to scream.

"Get OFF of me!" She shrieked. "If you kill me, it'll be the last thing you do! If this band doesn't get you, my family will!"

Mick took off running as soon as he heard this, but Dennis and Tony overtook him. By the time he got outside, Lindsey was on the ground, Tony furiously standing over him, as Dennis attempted to comfort a hysterical Stevie.

Time Makes You Bolder (Sequel to No One's A Fool)Where stories live. Discover now