Episode 1 Part 2

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12 years later.

Sae bom became a civil servant.

Sae bom's POV-

I am holding my colleague,he is injured,he had a gun shot on his right chest.

I am bringing him to the clinic of our office.

End of Sae Bom's POV-

Sae Bom bought him to the clinic,there was another colleague that CAUGHT DRINKING WATER and his name is Lee Jung Tae.

Jung tae-"SOU!"

Sae bom prepared to lay down her colleague.

Sae bom's colleague is named Seung Yeong.

Sae Bom-"What are you doing?Treat him!"

Lee Jung Tae prepared his aid kit.

"Where did he got hurt?" He asked.

Sae bom-"He got a shot in the chest and he can't breath"

Jung Tae-"He has a pneumothorax.Air is leaking from the gunshot wound and putting pressure on the...

Sae Bom-"Don't give me diagnosis,Treat him!"

Lee Jung Tae prepared an injection for the injured one and asked Sae bom if he should do it.

But he still continues and stab in on his chest but he don't know what kind of injection it is.

The Injured is shaking and Lee jung tae triggered but all of the sudden.

It was just a Drill,but if it's not he could kill a colleague.

Their Drill is just like a practice or playing dead or injured to test their mindset

"Recruit Lee Jung tae,you just killed a team member,you'll lose points on TMP Training" Sae bom explained.

They're talking while going out the clinic.

Sae bom-"Your acting was good today."

Yeong-"Was it?"

Sae Bom-"Yes"

Yeong-"Are you really going to deduct points?"

Sae bom-"Yes,he's slow to make a decision,and he scares easily"

Yeong-"If you look everyone from your standard,the entire world is slow,Sae Bom."


There was a drill and Sae bom will fix it but she failed because she did what Jung Tae did,she stabbed a team member with injection on the right chest without thinking and she failed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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