Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of people arguing and a pounding headache. "You said she would have come willingly! Now you've brought attention to us, and have become a marked traitor!" A woman shouted. She was not pleased with whatever had happened. Ugh, what did happen? I faintly remembered something about Rob and stepping out into the garden. . . I was distracted by the sound of a much lower voice, responding to the woman's. It was familiar, and spurred some anger I didn't realize I was harbouring. "Whatever, this is on you, not me." She spat before I heard her crunching through the leaves away from where I was laying. Figuring now was better than later, I feigned to wake up. I squinted against the sun, my head not liking the sudden movement of me sitting up on what turned out to be some old version of a pallet.

The owner of the lower voice kneeled down next to me. I looked over, my eyes still attempting to adjust to the light. His face eventually came into focus, and I immediately remembered last night's events and how Owen, the man in front of me, had taken me from the castle minutes after I was engaged! "You!" I shouted, still holding my head.

"Sorry about hitting you, it was the only way I could get us away safely," he said. I crossed my arms, my blood boiling.

"Sorry?" I spat. "You kidnap me on the night I get engaged, and all you have to say is sorry?"

Owen shot to his feet, "It was the only way I could get you out safely without having to kill your Earl!" I felt the color drain out of my face. There was only one reason Rob would have given up the chase last night, and that was if he thought I was- No. I wouldn't even think of the idea.

I struggled to stand, my head swimming with pain. "Did Rob see me? Did he see me when you knocked me out?"

He knelt down beside me again and put his hand on my back for support, grabbing my free hand to help me stand up. "Easy, Sapphire. Of course he did, he was right behind us."

"Christ Almighty! He thinks I'm dead!" Owen frowned at me, turning over this new revelation.

"We can use that to our advantage." He seemed to perk up a little and patted my shoulder.

"Thank you, Your Highness, you just saved me an entire headache!"

I scowled, crossing my arms. "Don't even talk about headaches right now."

He chuckled, and stepped away to where the woman had gone I guessed. I moved rather slowly to a horse that we must have rode off on last night. I could hear more arguing and raised voices this time as they advanced on me again. Owen was yelling, "Joanne! Joanne, listen!"

"Not another word from you, Drouston! You have already put me and my guests at too much risk already, I do not want you here. You need to take her and leave." She said before storming off back into the Inn. Owen glanced up to see me watching him and he hung his head.

"I'm sorry, your highness, but we've overstayed our welcome. Joanne is a good woman, but with the fuss we caused last night, she doesn't want to expose many of her allies and customers to the royal guard." He looked at our small camp and sighed. "Best we start packing." He moved from the horse and began packing what little we had.

"Where are we going?" I asked. I didn't want to leave the closeness to the castle that this inn provided. Would Rob stop looking for me? My breath caught in my throat as my brain corrected itself. If Rob was even looking for me. I was dead, and Owen was going to keep me dead for as long as possible. Would they hold a funeral for me? Would he move on and find another woman? My heart skipped a beat, and I shook the evil thought from my head. Rob loved me, and he would never stop searching for me. He had to know that I was alright somehow. Another dark thought crossed my mind. He would at least look for my body, right? Owen didn't answer my question.

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