chapter 3 | Clubbing in LA

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"Are you serious?!" Kiaa exclaimed with wide eyes as she shoved her pizza slice into her mouth. I nodded my head, closing my eyes as I took in the flavor of the pizza.

The song "Get Free" by Major Lazer was playing on Merlia's Bluetooth speaker as the waves crashed in the distance. Every month, we all came to the beach and had our bonfire, and we would all take everything off our chests-all of our worries, crazy thoughts, and stories.

It was a way for us to bond together even more, and we had started doing in for Rhea when she was at her lowest with Luca. It was uncomfortable at first for Rhea, but the more we did it, the easier it became to speak about her emotions.

The fire crackled as we chattered; it was 7:30 at night now, showing the crimson sunset casting a golden glow over us. We had our blankets and pillows with us as well to keep us warm when night came. Merlia and I shared our own blanket while Kiaa and Rhea shared their own to my right as well. Shyla and Dallia were also cuddled up together, laughing with each other as Shyla cracked a joke.

Merlia gasped shocked at what she had just heard, "So you actually saw him at that dinner?!" she asked.

"Yep, and it was awkward as fuck too," I grumbled, biting into my pizza as I shifted under my blanket.

Well, it was awkward for me at least.

He didn't seem affected at all.

Kiaa shook her head, her eyebrows rising, "I can't believe that asshole talked to you like that." she scoffed. "At least give me a proper welcome back." She said in a deep voice as she mimicked him, putting on a look between constipated or angry.

I snorted, I mean truth be told he did look like that most of the time.

"Yea, for some reason he looked like a child who just got their toy taken away." Shyla laughed as she blew out her cigarette, nodding her head to the music.

Kiaa nodded, licking pizza sauce off of her thumb, "One hundred percent agree with you on that one."

Merlia got up, taking off her sweatshirt and shorts as she grabbed her surfboard.

I bunched my brows together, "Where are you going?" I asked.

She turned her head, her golden hair whipping around her.

"Surfing," she grinned. She tilted her head to the side, gesturing to the ocean, "Come on!"

I rolled my eyes, smiling as I took off my white dress and grabbed my surfboard.

Merlia was wearing a baby pink bikini, as I wore a lily-white one.

"Last one is a rotten egg." She teased, racing off.

I laughed, racing her towards the ocean.

The waves crashed around us as we entered the water.

We both got on our boards in a laying down position.

Merlia took a deep breath as she waited for her wave to come, rolling her shoulders back to shake off her nerves. The wave arrived, coming rapidly towards us.

She quickly paddled and pushed up with her hands into a crouched position. Spreading out her hands as she tried to get balanced.

She fixed her feet, and bent her knees, grinning as she went through the barrel of the waves.

As the wave dived down, she calmly rode her surfboard to shore, jumping off of it as she put her hands up in the air.

I turned my head, getting ready for my waves as I took a deep breath in and out, closing my eyes for a second to center myself...

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