Thats Val, My Kiddo

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Valerie's POV

"Hey Kiddo, You gotta get up one of daddy's friends is coming over soon," Daddy says and nudges my side with his elbow. I rub my eyes and look around. " Here Val," daddy says while tossing me some clothes. I grabbed the clothes and put the shirt on. "Daddy is Tommy the friend that's coming over?," I ask as I walk over to him. " Yes baby, we're going to watch him play the drums AND I'm going to play the bass with him." He tells me while putting my hair up into two buns. " Dad that's real cool, Can I play your bass before he gets here," I ask him. " Sixxster I don't think we're going we have time for that, but I'll make ya a deal you can mess around on the bass as soon as we are done," Daddy says. I tap my chin while I pretend to think for a moment knowing I'm for sure taking this deal. "DEAL," I half-shout excitedly. Daddy leaves to go set-up his bass in the living room and I walk to the kitchen and get a cup of blue raspberry Jell-O from the fridge. I plop down on the floor and turn on the Saturday morning cartoons and I see Popeye playing, Yippee I think to myself as Popeye is my favorite cartoon. The apartment door swings open and Tommy walks in. "Hey man," My dad says while engulfing Tommy in a hug. "Hey dude," Tommy says while giving me a slightly odd look, I'm certain he's trying to find out who I am and why I'm here. "Nik, Who's the kid," He questions nodding in my direction. "Oh shit I forgot you hadn't met Val yet. That's Val my Kiddo." Daddy states proudly. "That's wicked man, I think you said something about having a kid over the phone," Tom says sounding a bit unsure. Daddy helps him bring the drums up to the living room. I sit and observe the stickers he has on his bass drum while the bring the rest of the pieces up. " Hey lil' demon ya gotta move I have to show Tommy the stuff for live wire," Daddy says. "Okay," I say and go to the couch, old and musty but it still lets people sit on it like a couch should. I watch dad show Tommy the parts for live wire. I go to the window and watch cars and groups of big kids walk by since I can't watch television while they're practicing. "Hey Val c'mere, Me and Tommy are going to get lunch soon and you have to come with us, so you can mess around on my bass now or after we get back," Dad says to me. I hear my stomach rumble and make the executive decision to go eat with dad and Tommy first. "Ima play around after we eat," I tell daddy. "Okay honeybuns lets go," He says and picks me up. "Tom you gonna ride with us?," Dad questions Tommy. "Nah man I gotta get home after we eat." Tommy relays to my dad. I get buckled into my car seat and dad asks me "So sixxster whatcha think of him?" "I thought he was pretty cool, the KISS sticker he has on da front of his bass drum is pretty darn cool," I tell him. That sticker was pretty awesome. "Really ya think so, I think Tommy might just drummer aslong as the precious angel otherwise known as Valerie Atlas Sixx agrees," Dad says to me in his best sing-song voice. "hmm i must say he is pretty amazing so i APPROVE!" I say to him excitedly shouting the last part.


Our waitress Jilliana sits us down and hands us menus, I go straight to the kids section. "Hey kid, what do ya want to drink?," Tom asks me. "Chocolate milk with the blue straw," I say still intently eyeing my options. "i-uh okay, why the blue straw," Tom questions me further. "Because the blue straw is better than the red and white straw," I say very matter-of-factly; he doesn't respond and tells the waitress all of our drinks. I internally debate whether I should get crab stuffed ravioli or cheese pizza with pesto sauce, not marinara. I go with the crab stuffed ravioli, "So anyways yeah man i know a singer he's in a band right now but i betcha I could get him in our band." Tommy tells my dad "Okay do you know when his next gig is we can make a cassette with our stuff and give it to him with the apartments number," Dad says he sounds very hopeful 'bout this dude i hope he is everything he's looking for. "He has one this weekend at his house but it would probably be best if my girlfriend Shelly-Anne watched Valerie at the apartment." Tom says, how dare he try to keep me out of things that dickhead. I shoot my dad a glare to communicate that I am on no way on board with that plan. "We'll go to the gig but how about we take Val & Shelly with us and if i see anything too suspicious Shelly and her can go to the car and listen to music," Dad says reasoning with both me and Tommy. "Here babes be careful the plates hot," Julianna says while handing me my plate with the mouth-watering crab stuffed ravioli. Me being me of course I ignore her warning completely and stuff one of the ravioli's in my mouth. We finished eating dinner and Tommy went about his way home. "So kid when we get home you can mess around on my bass but then i have to get you ready for bed, you've got your first day of school tomorrow, Ain't ya excited?," Dad asks me. " I am very excited, i get to ride a bus, and make brand new friends there isn't a thing more exciting than a school bus," I say enthusiastically. I'm very excited but not gonna lie i'm nervous too.

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