Valerie's first day of school

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Nikki's POV

I get up early today, I makes sure all of Valerie's school clothes are set out nicely aswell as her black sabbath backpack I found at goodwill. I slip 2 dollars in her bag for a school lunch. I can't believe she is going to school it feels like only yesterday I was figuring out how you make formula ready to eat. London will regret leaving her someday Val's going somewhere with her life; I just know it man she's amazing at puzzles and all that uniform stuff you have to have a strong brain to do. I go to the fridge and decide that for breakfast were going to have scrambled eggs and blue raspberry Jell-O because that is the only stuff we have in the refrigerator. I really do have to go shopping today. "Dad," Valerie says softly, "Yes Honeybuns," I say. "Do i really have to wear the uniform?," Valerie says very pleadingly. God i hate making her wear that thing but we don't have any other schooling options right now. "Yes baby you have to wear it, I wish you didn't," I say. I plate her scrambled eggs, blue raspberry jello, and chocolate milk with a blue straw.

Valerie's POV

I stare at those damn heels, they expect me to wear heels all day long man i should kick whoever thought that was a good idea right in the groin. I eat my blue raspberry jello first avoiding any small talk with my dad because under no circumstances will I be late for my first day of school. I put the paper plate in the trash before going to put on this stupid uniform. I put on black sabbath's technical ecstasy album and go sit on the couch so dad can attempt to style my hair even though he absolutely sucks at it, I do appreciate his efforts. "Dad you better not burn my  ear with that curling iron," I tell him in my sternest voice, although since I have the worlds gentlest voice I'm certain that it was not very threatening. "I'll do my best Sixxster," He says happily. "Val be still I'm going to get your ears with curling iron," He tells me. He should not have let me pick black sabbath to listen to this morning if he wanted me to be still, i do put in an effort to be more still. He finishes my hair and I grab my backpack but right before I exit he stops me "Wait Val," He says and grabs his camera, "Smile babes," He says and points the camera at me and snaps a picture. I smile a big goofy smile, engulf my dad in a hug, and leave to the bus stop. The bus arrives in a halt, I hop on and sit next to a girl who I'm assuming is in highschool. "What's your name," I ask her looking into her big brown eyes. "My name is Benita, What's your name," Benita says turning downwards to look at me. "My name is Valerie," I say, I like my name a lot, I've only met one other girl named Valerie so my name must be special.

Skip to school

When I leave the bus the driver gives me a piece of paper showing me how to get to my classroom. Mr. Feranna, that's a cool name I think to myself as I find my way through the corridors to his classroom. I find the classroom and I am greeted by Mister Feranna, "Why Hello, What's your name; I'm Mr. Feranna," The teacher says way to happily for this early in the morning. "My name is Valerie Atlas Sixx," I say happily. Like I said previously Valerie is already a cool name but Sixx is my last name and I only know one other person with that last name and he just happens to be my dad. "Sixx is really your last name," He asks me, of course he doesn't believe me. "Yes it is really my last name and it has to x's not one," I tell Mr. Feranna. "I'll be sure to check that when I'm calling roll Valerie," He says and I walk into the classroom. I find a seat separated from the rest that only has one desk sat next to it. I put my ultra-cool black sabbath backpack under the desk and begin to fade into my own little world as class begins.

Mr. Feranna's POV

I look over all the students memorizing their spots and what name belongs to whose face, giving the students some time to socialize. I checked the master list of who is in my class and sure enough, her name is Valerie Atlas Sixx. With two x's. I pull out my lesson plan for today; Because it is the first day of school I'm not going to give them any real work first we are going to do a small family tree project, go to recess, have lunch, and when we get back we are going to watch some cartoons and color somewhat quietly until the bell rings. "Okay kids here is what we are going to do today, I've given you a few minutes to become familiar with each other so now we are going to do a family tree project, and then we will have recess and lunch, after that, we are going to watch cartoons and color quietly until the bell rings," I tell them carefully observing their behavior to weed out who my troublemakers this year are going to be. "I'm going to give you all a piece of construction paper to make your family tree on, If you don't have your crayons I have some you can keep with you this year," I tell them all while going to grab the colorful stack of construction paper. I hand them each a piece of paper and give Valerie and a set of twins boxes of crayons. Valerie motions for me to come to her. "What's up," I say kneeling down to her level. "Well about this whole family tree thing I have some issues," She says twirling a green crayon in her hand. "Okay shoot little one," I say. "Well here's the issue, My mom left when I was a baby, I'm an only child, My dads dad ditched when he was 4, and I've only heard him talk about his mom once and her name might possibly be Deana but I cannot verify anything and only having two people makes a really depressing family tree, so can i do something else," She says looking up at me. "yes of course, draw a picture or something," I tell her my head clearly elsewhere as my face goes pale. I go and sit at my desk. No, it couldn't possibly be Frankie's kid, Oh but it could. She has a very distinct last name though. Name changes happen every day; I feel slightly light-headed as my brain is running a million miles per minute. He called me and I plain ignored him and now his daughter (?), is in my classroom.

Valerie's POV

I color a cat on my paper. School sucks I don't know what the big hype about it is. "Class we are going to Recess, Please put your belongings in your bag," Mr. Feranna says and I put my crayons & my paper in my backpack. He goes around to kids giving them their number and reminding them to get their lunch money. "You Ms. Sixx are number 14, Don't forget your lunch money," Mr. Feranna says to me repeating what he has said to all the other children. I put my lunch money in my skirt pocket and get to my spot in line. We all follow Mr. Feranna out to the playground. "Hey Valerie," Some girl says and comes up to me. "You know you look like a real fattie in that uniform," The blonde girl says and her group of friends burst out laughing. "I-I'm not a fattie," I tell her stuttering on my words "Yeah you are," She says poking my lower belly fat while her friends burst out in another round of laughter. I feel tears pool in my eyes and I walk away. "Running away like a coward, fattie?" The bitch calls at me. I run towards the doors that lead us back into school, I sit and tuck my head into my knees and allow myself to fade into my own little space, I hear the teacher trying to talk to me but I don't want to talk. I let the girls words seep into my brain and repeat like a broken record; Eventually, the teacher picks me up and carries me somewhere, with my luck he'll drop me because I'm too heavy. I dry up my tears and try to think of things I like Dalmatians, Blue raspberry jello, my name. "Ms. Sixx, Since you won't talk to us do you want to call your dad," The secretary lady asks me. I just nod yes to her, Mr. Feranna standing in the corner. I go behind the desk and pick up the phone "The office said your crying- What's wrong baby girl, Who's ass do I need to beat?" Dad ushers to me over the phone. "Dad you don't need to do any of that, will you just come get me, Please," I plead to him over the phone. I want to get out of this hell hole. "I'll be right there lovie," Daddy tells me. I felt relief wash over me. Mr. Feranna hands me my bag and shoots me a sympathetic look. Mr. Feranna sits in the chair next to mine and I watch myself rock my feet back and forth. I feel a few sizzling tears roll down my cheek, intently looking at the green carpet. My dad walks into the office, confidence in his stride. Mr. Feranna stands up to help him check me out but pauses the moment he sees my dad's face. "Frankie?"-

Haha end of the chapter, Now aren't ya'll excited to see where this goes.

I slightly enjoy adding drama to my character's lives. It makes it more fun to write.

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