The truth is
I am scared.
Cause I know there is
something wrong with me.A normal person could not
possibly be forced to go
through all this pain by
ones own mind.This headache Ive had for
five years now is only
getting worse.On the good days I used to
think to myself "it's over, it
was just a crisis, it's better
now"Wasn't long before that
familiar wave of sadness
overtook me again.
But it was okay cause I
started to feel lonely
without it.The sadness started to
comfort me in some sense.
I think Im ill.My mind is poisoned
I am scared
Cause I'm finally starting to
accept that I am sick.

Sad Quotes
PoetryTraurige Zitate, Texte, Gedanken, weil das leben suckt 🤌🏻 Rückzugsort und saveplace wenn jemand darüber reden will.