Vivos past

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*Third person's pov*

" The Mambo Cabana '' Andrés softly hums as he opens up a closet, grabs some clothes and moves out of the way of the frame to reveal Vivo angrily sitting in y/n's lap as y/n is petting him trying to calm him down while leaning up against a foot stool behinde them. The two are interrupted as Andrés comes caring two suitcases and sets one suitcase on the stool y/n was leaning on and one in front of the small girl, Vivo chirps angrily as y/n stopped petting him and looked up at her with a face the just screamed 'why did you stop peting me' and jumps up onto the suitcase in front of y/n.

 "Ha! I can't believe you're seriously considering this" Vivo yelled angrily as he seemed to forget y/n was the only one who could understand him as all Andrés heard was Vivo chittering frantically. "Oh, Vivo, you are excited too, eh?" Andrés asked clearly not getting the memo "No! I'm not excited, We're not Miami people. We're small-town people. We're plaza people." Vivo said pointing in the direction of the plaza while y/n looked at him nervously. "Don't worry. Everything will be okay." said Andrés with enthusiasam then turned around to pick clothing up off the ground but when he turned around again to put the clothing in the case he had some difficulty when Vivo kept moving to block the clothes from entering the case. "Catch!" Andrés said after he just threw the clothes on top of Vivo, Vivo growled in irritation as he tried and failed to get out of a shirt stuck to his head. y/n giggled at her friend's predicament as she helped him untangle himself and then placed him back in the case. Vivo in an even sour mood after getting stuck pushes all of the clothing out of the case onto the ground. "Hey" Andrés yelled but his only response was Vivo closing the case angrily with harrumph. Andrés sighs as y/n looks at him with concern, "Listen, Vivo. I must deliver this song to Marta. She needs to know that I love her. It's only one song." Andrés said as he tried to make Vivo understand but it only made him more angry as his reaction was to jump out of the case and run outside and slowly make his way out onto the roof. "I need you, my son!" Andrés yelled after him "*sighing* Ay, Vivo." Andrés said as he turned to his niece with a sad look "y/n will you talk to him, y-you two always had a special connection"  " ok tio" replied y/n as she stood up and climbed out on to the roof.

( by the way y/n has spent most of her life climbing on stuff around cuba aswell as living with a monkey for most of it ,also she did a lot of gymnastics with her cosin in florida so she is quite flexible and able to maneuver easily, sorry for not mentioning that earler)

Vivo's pov

I climbed up the side of the house and sat on the sign of the condo complex "What is he thinking? A plane trip to Miami. It's been 60 years, and you go all the way there for one show? For one song?" I said as I curled in on myself. "What difference can one song make?" i said looking down into my lap. "well one song changed your life, maybe it could change his" a familiar voice said as i saw y/n climbing up the building and sitting in front of me on the roof. " what do you mean" i asked trying to remember. y/n simply pointed to a tree in the corner of the plaza down below. 

Author pov


Soft guitar music filled the air as the camera changes to show a much younger version of Vivo up in a tree watching a young girl and an elderly man play the guitar as they leaned against a tree. The baby kinkajou slowly distended the tree looking at the man and girl, after taking a small pause to make sure it was safe to come any closer the small monkey jumped on to the mans hat examining the guitar then decided to jump onto the small girls lap.

The screen changes to the front door to the apartment where Andrés and y/n we're living, a small kinkajou comes out from behind the door frame to see y/n and Andrés sitting on the ground, Andrés with his hand out beckoning Vivo to come closer as y/n gives him a sweet smile. The small monkey slowly made his way over to Andrés's hand but faltered looking up at Andrés. As soon as Vivo was on Andrés's hand Andrés lifted it up and Vivo scampered up on to his shoulder than jumping of on to y/n's head, as Vivo was trying to get comfortable on y/n's head Andrés slowly lifted a muraca up next to him with a shake. The nose startled the small monkey as he shrank back from the small instrument but then slowly moved to look closer at the foren object, Andrés slowly moved the tiny maraca closer to Vivo. Vivo grabbed the instrument and shook it in the little girl's eyes wanting to show her his new toy.


"What am I doing?" asked himself aloud "i dont know what your doing but somthing you could do is help me pack up" Vivo nodded up at the girl as he smiled, "come on Vi '' y/n said as the kinkajou jumped up on to her shoulder as they slowly climbed down onto the patio only to be greeted by Andrés snoring softly.

Vivo and Y/n chuckle at the sight. "Thouse suitcases isn't gonna pack themselfs" Vivo said. y/n and vivo packed the two suitcases slowly growing more and more sleepy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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