Chapter 3

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What am I doing? I thought to myself.

That's me cursing myself for what I was planning to do. Listing pros and cons was not helping, that's for sure. What the heck am I talking about? I have a secret crush on Hope, it's been like this for the last couple of years. We've been friends for as long as I can remember and seeing her become this powerful, strong-willed woman in front of my eyes, is astonishing. I can remember her toothy little grin during a memory when we were having a water fight at 8 years old.

"Come on, really, Jas!" Hope yelled up at me as I spritzed water in her mouth.

"Yep." I said, popping the p.

"Okay, if that's how you want to play it, fine," She said and then spritzed my stomach.

"Owe." I whispered.

"Good," She smiled toothily.

I smiled at the vague memory as I lugged myself around the kitchen. I had stuck to myself to tell Hope how I felt in debate.
I spread some butter on my warm toast and cut it into triangles. I took a bite and threw my head back in pleasure, bread and butter can never go wrong. I decided that I would take a packed lunch to school because I wanted to spend lunch researching my geography homework. My teacher decided that just because I was sometimes absent from class - personal reasons, she would give me extra credit, what she doesn't know is that I was planning to move to Greece with Hope. I was planning to tell her that I bought a ticket when I profess my love for her.

I walked to my bathroom and washed my face with my seaweed-smelling soap. When I dried my face, I picked up my rucksack with my debate points, my lunch and my textbooks in it. When I walked out the house with my jacket and shoes on, my body only then recognized that it was raining outside. I wrapped my jacket tighter around me so to protect me at least somewhat. I mentally cursed myself for not checking the weather, I mean what was the point of having a phone if I don't use it for stuff like this.

I walked to my car, trying not to get too wet, my car was a 7-minute walk away from my house because there was no parking in front of it. When I got in, I drove to school hurriedly. I saw Hope's dad's car in the school parking lot and reminded myself of the plan.

Pull her to the side
Tell her about my feelings
See her reaction
Tell her about the plane ticket
Live happily ever after

Scratch that last bit, first I'd actually have to get to Greece to even have a slight chance of living happily ever after. I smiled to myself at the thought of being able to spend time alone with Hope on a mass scale. I walked into the school after breaking out of my reverie and came to a sight of desert. The whole school was practically empty except for the classrooms. It soon hit me that the bell had rung and that I was late. I cursed and ran to my homeroom.

Sadly, Hope is not in my home group but it makes up for it when I see her during politics and history, which speaking of, is my second lesson. I spent my free period in the gardens writing my debate point notes and it wasn't long for the bell to ring and I rushed to history quickly, hoping to get there before Hope.

Luckily, I wouldn't have to worry because Hope came in 5 minutes after me. I held out her seat and inwardly chuckled at her sense of disarray. She looked bedraggled and out of breath. She sat in the seat I was holding out for her quickly and got out of her work. She looked distracted and didn't really talk, all she did was answer a few mms and yeah where I expected. I tried to make conversation and knowing me I talked for ages and ages about boxing. I did however want to ask her a question to see how she would feel if I did decide to leave her to live.

"Um Hope," I started to ask.

"Yeah, what's up Jasper?" Her big eyes looked up at me with concern making me fiddle with my fingers.

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