Cold mornings with a rat

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Waking up on a cold day with your heater of a noodly boyfriend was... quite pleasant to be honest. Ramsey never liked the cold, and he made that very clear (stop complaining we know you're not from taiga country). Anyways, it means that when the days get shorter, you've got a rat popsicle clinging to you whenever he can. Today was particularly cool, much to his sleepy dismay. Around 40 degrees, according to the weather app on your phone. You put down the device next to you on the sheets, and wiggled in closer to your lover, your face of course being in his chest. He stirs a little bit with a muffled and groggy mumble before lazily slinging one of his hairy arms over your torso and pulling you against his body (asscheek in hand you already know). For a noodle man, he had a pretty damn strong hug lol.

You sigh lovingly, burying your face into his chest. He always had a very specific smell; a mix of cologne and a hint of pineapple.. for some reason??? eh who are you kidding, hes a strange guy with strange quirks and you wouldn't have him any other way. you let him cling to you like a stuffed animal for a little while, before inevitably having to get up and start your day.

"...ram." You wiggle one of your arms out of his grip, poking his cheek.
"Mmnnff" he groans, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Rams. Ramsey." You keep poking him, smooshing around his face with your palm "i need to get up babes"

"MmnnnnOoooo" he whines like a child, clearly still half asleep. "Yer .. warm" he mumbles, making a sleepy :3 face at you. You can't help but to return the smile, and chuckle a little at his iconic expression.
"ey. what're you gigglin' bout ?" He says in a goofy tone.
"Eheheh~ you're doing the thing again," you replied

"Huh? Wuh- what thing?"

"Your little— your little cat mouth smile."

"OH. I didn't notice,"

You raise your hands to your boyfriend's cheeks, and squish his face a few times for shits and giggles before giving him a good morning kiss. Pulling away reveals a very content look on your rat man's face, cheeks a faint gold color. You aren't really sure where he got the idea that he was ugly, but you thought it was very much wrong. or maybe you're just into old men I wouldn't know lmao. ANYWAYS. You look at him with a little grin, and Ramsey raises an eyebrow at you as if to say, 'what're you up to you lil shit'.
"Sooo, since you're already awaaaake, that means we both have to get outta bedd— cmon its like 10 am already."
A comically dramatic gasp, and the back of his hand to his forehead (like in a cartoon) "i can't believe you'd betray me like this doll! Sigh... can't trust no one these days" if it were over text there would definitely be a pensive emoji.

"...did you just say 'sigh' out loud??"



You shake your head. "Anyways—Ram stop squeezing my ass," you're interrupted by your boyfriend gently groping your ass with his big ass paws. you make a very unimpressed face, him replying with a very smug half-lidded grin. "Its so soft though! how could i not."

The tone of his words made you blush a little, getting a little flustered. "Also i have to pee so," His grip on you loosened,
"Alright alright, go do your thing. uhh— do you want tea or somethin' ?" He offers, sitting up in your bed.

"Yeah, thank you babes!" You smile warmly at him, (MANS GETS SHOT W THE LOVE GUN HES FUCKING DEAD)

Ramsey looks away from the door and scratches the back of his neck a little, bro you are. So fucking cute bro you are going to kill this man.

Jesus those tiles are cold. You walk out into the hall, thankfully the rest of your apartment was carpeted so you weren't gonna freeze your toes off. Ramsey was in the kitchen boiling water for the both of you...he was also still bundled in the same blanket from your bed. you snickered at the scene in front of you, causing Ramsey to turn his head towards you and smile.
He quirked an eyebrow, "what, you don't like your burrito boyfriend?"

"Hehehehe! No! Its just i wasn't expecting to see that!"

Suddenly, in a fluffy fwoosh, Ramsey seemingly appears behind you and envelopes you in his blanket too! he wraps his warm arms around your body in an affectionate cuddle. He rests his chin on one of your shoulders comfortably,
"Betcha didn't expect that either," he said in a less goofy, but more soft and relaxed tone(softly. Hes right next to your ear of course). You put your hands on his forearms, rubbing your thumbs against them. in a way, his hugs made you feel kind of... safe? Which was a little weird due to the fact you knew he was kinda notorious for having a crap ton of anxiety.

You lean your head so your cheek is resting on his arm. you wouldn't mind staying like this forever... but alas the water is almost done boiling. You wriggle out of his arms and walk over to the stove, turning off the burner, and pouring the hot water into the two cups your boyfriend had gotten out of the cabinet. You open up the cupboard to grab the box of tea bags (of your choice ofc. Probably earl grey.) While your self proclaimed "burrito boyfriend" grabs a half empty bottle of honey and slides it across the counter to you. Ramsey likes his tea with milk— and. Oh my god.

You look over, and your boyfriend, like the MENACE HE IS is drinking milk straight from the big gallon jug.

"Ramsey!!!" You hiss

Hes got a mouthful of milk and just stares at you wide eyed like a fucking CAT. rat man more like cat man are you kidding me??? You pinch the bridge of your nose in exasperation as he cartoonishly gulps down the milk in his mouth. Ramsey does finger guns in your direction (DORK. Like hes saying 'nothing bad happened >:3' ) and you just shake your head and sigh. With a goofball like him in your life, things are never really boring.

"You're such a goof," you mutter out, turning back to the counter and lifting the small kettle to the lip of your mug. Its nice, the heat thawing out your freezing hands. The steam hits your face pleasantly as you pour your cup of tea, pushing the kettle over to ramsey, who is again right beside you.

"...mmmhh its onna those days," he hums,

The reason for his aversion to the cold was because it made him feel tired, lazy. Like all he wanted to do was curl up and sleep.

"Hon, you've been working all week, its the weekend. Let yourself take a break!" You pat his blanket covered shoulder, picking up the bottle of honey, and squeezing the perfect amount into your tea.

"Alright alright," he smiles warmly, "wanna... finally watch madoka maybe?" Ramsey looks at you expectantly, taking his mug  and sitting down on your couch.

You sit down next to the bigger man, not hesitating to snuggle into his chest. He wraps the blanket around you too. "Mmmh... okay," you hum.

You are content.

Love ya, Sweets. (Ramsey Murdoch x reader) Where stories live. Discover now