The Shadow of Null: A Minecraft Horror Story

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Alley was walking home to school to meet up with a friend of hers, but when she was halfway there, she noticed that a few police cars were just outside the school. She ran her way there, for she was a bit nervous of what may have happened. When she got there, she was stopped by a policeman.

"Whoa, stand back, Alley." said the cop holding his hand out.

"What's going on, officer?" said Alley.

"I just want you to know that there have been many disappearances from the school. So, since you're here, have you seen anything...strange perhaps?"

"No, nothing much."

"Okay, just let me know if you. I'll let you in."

"Thanks, Sir."

"You're welcome mam."

Later, After School...

Alley took a shortcut on her way home in the forest. She was almost outside of it until she spotted what looked like a very odd-looking figure in front of what seemed to be a black tree. It was darker than any other person she had ever seen and it was like a statue. It was in the afternoon, so that could be the reason, but that couldn't be it somehow. It took a minute for her to notice that there seemed to be a very faded black aura surrounding it.

"Now that's..." she paused as she stepped close to it, "...straange."

When Aley got very close to it, she started to feel weird. She brushed it off and headed out of the forest. She looked behind and saw that the figure was a bit closer. She got startled and ran off. She eventually saw Tom, a friend of hers house on the way home so she decided to visit.

"Hello?" she knocked on the door, no answer, so she knocked again, "Hello?"

She then opened the door. She then saw a person with a red sleeveless jacket with a black shirt crumbled up into a ball. He then looked up and took out his enchanted diamond sword.

"Whoa, whoa!" She said, "Calm down, Tom. It's me."

"S-sorry..." he said, and dropped the weapon next to his desk, "...I just can't sleep anymore...I-I'm stuck in this h-house! Can't go...anywhere!"

"Why not?" Alley asked.

"N-null...won't...let me out..."

Alley then sighed in concern, but with a bit of annoyance. Tom would always research Null, one of the darkest secrets of Minecraft. She thought that it was finally getting to his head and he was losing it by now. She brushed it off and was about to help him out, but then her father called on her phone.

"Hey, Alley." he said, "I was looking all over for you, come on home."

"Okay, dad." she said.

Alley then left, Tom gave her his enchanted sword to protect herself from Null, which she still thought was necessary. But before she closed the door to Tom's house, she saw him seemingly mouthed the words, "Don't leave me." She felt bad that all this ghost business was finally getting into his head.

Meanwhile, With Alley's Father...

Henry was on his way home from work. But then, he saw a figure walking in the middle of the road, the figure had long black hair and a long sweater. It was his son, Alley's brother, Edmund. He was walking in some sort of trance and walking towards the forest.

"Ed?" he said, and then noticed a cut on his son's back, "Ed!"

He got his eldest child on the truck and they drove straight towards home. There, he met with his daughter.

"Dad?" she asked as she noticed his worried face, she then saw the weary Edmund, "Ed!"

But before either of them could move, the TV was on.

"We have reports of many missing people." said the reporter.

The TV reporter then started to show a list of pictures and names of the people missing. Many of them were young kids from 8-15-years old. Some of them were Alley's friends. Everyone who survived what happened reported that the attacker was the dark legend Null himself. Alley and her father then turned to Edmund, who was shaking his head, signaling them that he was finally snapping out of it.

"Oh, Ed!" she cried in joy, "Thank goodness you're alright."

"Y-yeah..." said Edmund, "...I-"

But he never finished, because suddenly a dark blade pierced right through Edmund's heart and chest, the boy screamed in pain, fear, and agony. The father saw his son being dragged and eventually disappearing into the forest. Alley went after him, but her father stopped her, telling her not to do anything, fearing that something terrible was in there.

The Next Day...

The school was locked down. Many stayed in their homes while the rest decided to just act like everything's normal. Alley headed in the spot of the forest where that figure was. But now the dark black aura was more showable.

"I've had enough of you!" she shouted, for she knew that this thing was behind it all, "I want my friend back! Right now!"

She then took out the enchanted diamond Tom had given her right before she left him earlier. She charged at the statue, then suddenly, it moved and it disappeared. She then saw it moving very fast. It then touched her, sending her into some dark world. She then realized that this must be the place where Tom could be. She then held out his sword high into the air. It was something Tom told her if she or he ever saw that light, they would be able to find each other. She then saw Tom, moving towards her, he was walking like a zombie though. She also saw that his eyes were glowing, just like Null's eyes.

"Tom..." she said, "'s me...Alley."

"All..ey." said Tom, feeling very weak.

"Let me help you, Tom."

Alley then leaned towards Tom and gave him a kiss. She could feel his heart starting again, as if he was given a chance to live. She saw his eyes start to stop glowing.

"Alley..." said Tom, feeling stronger, "...thank you."

"You're welcome." said Alley, smiling, she then handed him his sword, "I think you'll need this."

"Thank you."

They then started to run. But then they were stopped by Null. Alley wasn't afraid, so she stepped close to him and stared right into his eyes.

"Alley, wait!" Tom shouted behind her, "Stop!"

Alley felt her eyes sting. She then all of a sudden felt weary, as if she was going to fall. She then saw Tom kick Null in the face, stunning him long enough for the two to get away. They eventually got out of the forest, but Alley suddenly collapsed. Tom looked at her stats, he saw an effect called "Internal Wither". He then realized that that thing was draining her energy. They then saw the policeman-from-earlier car. The cop got out.

"Alley?" said the cop, and looked at Tom, "Tom? Where did she find you?"

"I don't know," said Tom, "but-"

"I don't feel so well." said Alley, holding onto Tom's arm.

"Okay, Alley," said the police officer, "come with me, we'll get you some help."

But then, they saw Null in the middle of the road. It flew right for the car, he then reached out his hand and it went right through the cop and grabbed Alley's face. For all she could hear was her screaming, and Null's laughter.


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The Herobrine: A Minecraft Horror Story


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