The lying game

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 *NOTE- im doing a follow spree,so follow me and i will folloow baacckkkk.


oh and i found this video of selena on the late night show and now im really pissed at her,its about justin,watch it and you'll see>>

keep reading fellow fothermuckers.


"soo aria,have you thought about getting back into the music buisness?" justin randomly asked.

"Yeah,i think i might pick it back up again" i answered,fiddling with my  phone

He said something but i didnt hear it,i was too busy with the phone.

"now i know how you felt when we first met" he grinned and snatched the phone out of my hands


"liisteeennnnn,so did you like the song austin showed you last week?" he asked

"nothing like us? yah,i loved it,why?"

"well,im deticating it too you" he smiled

i opened my mouth,shocked.


I knew the game he was playing.

He was trying to win me over with his charm. 

"yeah" justin grinned.

"i have to go to the studio to see something with valdes if thats ok" i grabbed Justin's carkeys

"yeah babe" he flicked his hand,indicateing me towards the door.


"hey valdes" i sighed and sat down in a chair.

"aria? your back,ready to make more music?" he grinned.

"yeah,i guess."

"good,your pulicity is dieing" valdes glanced down at my hands.


"are you still with justin?" he asked.

"yeah,but i think im going to break up with him.."

"what?! no!" he grunted  and pulled me too my feet.

"you need to stay with him,its good for your publicity!"

"im not going to date justin just --" i began

"listen aria,you like singing and this career is perfect for you. Dateing justin has been the best desicion of your life. Thats why he dateing you!" valdes had a gruff tone.

he was dateing me for publicity?


"fine,whatever" i snapped and plopped back into my chair.

"alright lets start on a new song"


"arriiaaa,your hommeee" Justin came rushing at me,knocking me back aginst the wall as he squeezed the life out of me.

I plopped the carkeys down and locked the door behind me.

"justin gettt offf" i huffed,shoving him off.

"sorry bbbabbbyy" he slurred.

I was so pissed.

I reached up and slapped him across the face.

Justin stared at me shocked and then just fell down on the couch.

"you were dateing me for publicity?" i screeched throwing my jacket across the room.

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