His Maid

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hi guys,thanks for picking this story to read,i just wanted to point out that,yes,i love your comments and votes and fanning! it means more then words can describe! so thank you bunches,and i dew take suggestions for all my storys so,suggest some and i might add it to my story,so once again,thank you!and enjoy my new story!


i groaned and slowly picked up my hand to knock on the hotel door

i rapped on it three times before the door swung open revelaing a dark haired boy in dark skinny jeans and a white plain t-shirt

he didnt say a word but just kept texting on his phone and i walked past him pulling the maids cart behind.

"i need it cleaned up in an hour or less"he mumbled still not bothering to give me the time of day.

i grumbled harsh words under my breath,not careing wether or not he heard as i put on my rubber gloves and prepared to clean the room

i looked around and finally saw how bad of a state the room was actually in,i groaned and grabbed a mop as i started to polish the floors were beer bottles and random pieces of food were lying

"dont forgot to get the bed straightened up"the guy once again mumbled still stareing at his phone as if there was absolutly noone else in the room

i frowned even more so,but scrubbed the wood harder and harsher then necessary

 After 15 minuetes of mopping i fianlly gave up on the idea,and grabbed a soaking sponge

i got down on my hands and knees and started scrubbing the tile,cursing my slef for not brining and bobby pins to hold my aburn hair out of my eyes

i felt eyes watching the back of me and i turned around slowly,only to find the guys eyes on my butt.

"wow,now you look at me?such a pervert"i said and rolled my eyes in disgust

"im a guy,what did you expect?"he shrugged his shoulders and smiled a lop-sided smirk

"a little respect wouldnt hurt?"i replied and went back to scrubbing the floor,well aware of his eyes on my butt

after i had finished the floor i went to the bed almost afraid of what i might find.

i pinched a rubbery looking thing  between my fingers and dropped it immediatly when i realised what it was

"oh my gosh,ew!"i said and jumped back in disgust

the guy looked at me,and gave me an innocent confused look

"you have a used condom,on your..bed!"i said and walked back even farther away from the bed

"ok?"he said and returned to his phone

i wanted to gag in disgust but picked the condom off the bed and held it out as far away from me as i could and dropped it in the waste basket

i continued to clean the bed as i found bras,lacy underwear,and another beer bottle in the bed.

"you have got to be kidding me!"i snapped when i saw another condom lying on the bed

the guy shrugged carelessly and smiled

i picked it up and threw it away. 

i had only cleaned a small portion of the room when the guy walked over and told me'ten more minuetes' when he knew and good and well,i wasnt anywere near clean

"but im not done"i moved my arm around the room to show some emphisis

"dont.care.hurry up and get done in the next ten minuetes or im calling the manager"he said,still glacneing at his phone

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