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Olympia, Greece – 500 B.C.

"Zeus sir, we're under attack by the Titans. What shall we do?" Athena, the Greek Goddess of wisdom, addresses her father. "Athena my dear, the Titans are quite strong, and we haven't much power left in us..." Zeus, God of lightning and the skies, speaks in a solemn tone. Confusion and anger flood Athena's face, "Why have you turned to such cowardice?! So fast to admit defeat, this is not the Zeus I know!" Athena paces back and forth fuming. Zeus grumbles, "I am not admitting defeat! I am the God of all gods, the leader of Olympus! I can never and will never accept defeat. I have enacted a ploy to finally destroy the Titans and ensure they will never be reborn." Athena snaps her head towards him, confusion etched on her face, "What ploy?!" she asks. "There isn't time to explain, the Tit-", Zeus begins but is cut short when a flaming arrow pierces Athenas side, engulfing her in a blue demonic flame. Zeus stumbles back in shock as Athena's dead, burning corpse lies in front of him. "You should have known your time was coming Zeus..." a dark voice says softly. "My time has yet to come, I can never die. You'll see!" Zeus yells before being engulfed in flames.

The Olympians destroyed, their legacy gone...or so we thought.

Burberry, California- May 1st, 2018

Tamari's POV

Burberry, California. One of the most visited places in the world due to its beautiful scenery and incredible history. Some come and go, but people like me never want to leave. Hey, I'm Tamari Marshall. I have lived here for a really long time. When I was 13, my dad allowed me to move from Texas to California with my Uncle Terry and my 3 best friends. We've been bonded since birth, literally! Coincidentally, we were all born May 2nd, 2000, at midnight. I met Daniel when I was 6, and we instantly clicked. Both of our moms died during labor, so we were able to care for each other and a year later we met the twins, Alexia and Alexander. They too lost their mom during labor and were born May 2nd, 2000, at midnight...weird right? All of us were able to collectively bond and grieve together. Today we're preparing for our 18th birthday party and it's going to be amazing.

"Danny! Can you bring the rest of the bags from the truck?!", I yell from the kitchen. "Yeah, give me a minute!" He responds, so I nod and continue setting up tables when Alexia walks in looking all giddy. "What's with the creepy smile?" I ask laughing a little, "You'll never guess who just asked if he was invited to the party!!!" she semi-yells. I roll my eyes playfully, already knowing who she's referring to, "Who?" I ask, "Travis Kelly!!!" she squeals. I chuckle softly, Travis is her super-duper stalker crush that she's been in love with since the first year of high school. "Thats great Lex, you thinking about making a move?" I ask playfully pushing her shoulder. "Only if you make a move with you know who..." she says, pointing in Daniel's direction. Yep, you guessed it. I'm in love with my best friend. It's cliché, I know, but I can't help it. Daniel has always been there when I needed it. He's all I ever want in a person. No matter how hard I try, I always find myself thinking about what it would be like to be together. Not to mention, he's smokin! "Mario!", Alexia yells, snapping me out of my trance," Did you hear anything I just said?" she asks, tilting her head to the side. "Hm? Sorry, what'd you say?" I ask. She rolls her eyes before responding, "I was saying Daniel's been eyeing you a lot today, I think it's time you both stopped playing games." She says laughing softly. "Don't be stupid, he could never feel the same!" I blush and exclaim a bit too loud.

Alexia then sighs and shrugs her shoulders. I chuckle and look around, "He still hasn't brought that stuff in, guess some things you'll have to do yourself. I'll be back Lex." I say before walking out to the car.

Daniel's POV

Crap. I fell asleep. And I almost caught the biggest scolding of my life, Tamari just walked out past me...glad I moved. I walk back into the house rubbing my eyes, when Alexander spots me. "Yo Dan, come help me with these fairy lights!" "Alright man I'll be there," I walk over, just to see him sitting there. "What did you need help with...?" "I need some tape, mind going to get some? -" "Oh, sure," I say, walking away. "I think Lexie put some in the hall!" "Thanks!" I went into the hall looking for the tape and I ran into Alexia; she was sitting against the wall looking like someone had shot her. She glances up at me, and I go sit next to her. "What's wrong?" "Hey Danny....do you think I'm attractive? Do I look good?" WOW. Alexia. The Alexia Dawson just asked me about her looks. This must be serious... "Of course, why ask a question we all know the answer to?" I say jokingly, smiling at her. "I just really hope Travis likes me but...thanks Daniel...did you need something? Ya looked lost." "Oh yeah! Got some tape up here?" She points down to the kitchen. "Yeah, there's some in here! Lemme show you." She walks me down to the kitchen where the drinks, food, and even beer pong were all masterfully set up. "Here's the tape you needed!" "Thanks! You guys worked pretty hard down here huh?" "Yeah, we did, nice to see you made it," says Tamari, sarcastically speaking while walking in with 2 bags. "Oh- yeah..." I say awkwardly laughing, she makes me feel dizzy from her looks. "That's my queue to go, I'll be helping out Alex now-" I quickly walk away back into the living room, why does she make me so nervous? I shake the feeling and walk back into the living room, "Here ya go." I say, throwing the tape at Alex who catches it easily. I plop down on the couch and sigh loudly. "Somebody's worked up over Tamari againnnn~" Alex says in a teasing tone. I roll my eyes and huff, "I am not..." I lie. He looks at me plainly before I give in, "Okay fine, maybe. I just... I dunno..I know that nothing will ever happen with us but, I can't help but hope." Alex walks over and sits next to me," I wouldn't be so sure of that bro, make a move tonight. I promise you won't regret it." He said smirking at me. I shook my head smiling a little. Is there really a chance for me and Tamari...?

Tamari's POV

I'm preparing more of the party in the kitchen with Alexia when the doorbell rings. I sit down the red solo cups I brought in from the truck and go to answer the door. "Who is it??" "It's your Uncle Terry sweetheart, open on up!" I excitedly open the door and greet him. "Hey Unc, nice to see you!" Uncle Terry is the one who bought me this big house, he said I should have my own space to run wild in, so he gifted me this. It's become the meetup spot for me, Daniel, who moved in with me, and the twins. Even though I'm responsible enough to handle things, he still comes to check up on me from time to time. "What brings you by today?" I ask. "Well, I just wanted to come wish my nieces and nephews an early Happy Birthday, where are the twins and Dan?" he asks, peeking his head in, "Oh right in here, come in" I step to the side so he can walk in. Alexia comes out of the kitchen and spots him, "Uncle T, how are you?" she asks. His eyes go wide, "My gosh! What have you done to your hair?!", Uncle T asks, the twins dyed their hair blonde last week. We laugh as I close the door and walk him into the living room.

Hey...we're back :)

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How ya feeling about Dan and Tamari :)

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