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Burberry, California- February 1st, 2018

Tamari's P.O.V.

It's 7:30, and people have already piled in. Sam, Alex's girlfriend of almost six years, came about an hour or two ago and was now trying to beat Alexia and Travis in a game of beer pong, in which they were getting their asses handed to them. The look of satisfaction on Alexia's face when she makes her shot, and the look of annoyance on Alex's is to die for. I check the clock on the stove 7:57 pm. I take the last swig of my drink, head to the living room to find Daniel, to remind him about killing the party at 11. Feeling a bit drunk, I stumble in when I see Dan on the dance floor with some random girl. My body heats up with jealousy. I balance myself and walk toward them. I tap the girl's shoulder, and she looks at me, "Hey, I think you should go find someone else to dance on. He's unavailable." I raise my eyebrow at her as I speak. She chuckles before going to say something, but before she even gets a word out, Daniel interrupts, "Mario!! How are you? Having fun?" he asks loudly, gripping my shoulders. I smile at his silliness, "I'm fine, Dan, wanna dance?" I ask. He smiles and nods. As we walked away, I winked at the girl. She huffs and stomps off. I chuckled before turning to Dan and reminding him of our cut-off plans. 

As we were dancing, I noticed how Dan was touchier than usual. His hands were firmly placed on my hips, softly swaying me against his crotch as we danced. I turned around and put my hands on his shoulders, looking him in the eye. His hands rotate to my lower back, reciprocating the eye contact. Being this close to him felt different. It's a feeling like no other. My stomach twirls as he pulls my body closer to him. My face heats as I feel his soft, warm breath on my face. "You look perfect tonight, Tamari..." he speaks softly. I blush and turn my head. "Thank you...so do you..." I reply. He grabs my chin, making me look at him. "Don't turn away from me..." he says, looking at my lips. I look down at his lips and lean in slowly. He meets me halfway and presses his lips onto mine softly. I melted into his arms, kissing him like it was his last day on earth. We pulled away, panting softly. "Wow...that was...Woah..." he said. I chuckled and nodded, "It was.... wasn't it..." 

I can't believe I'm here. Is this real? My back slams against the bed, my legs trapping Daniel in a tight embrace. "What am I doing...?" I mutter. But despite my uncertainties, my heart is still sure of what's happening. I pull him into a passionate kiss, my tongue exploring the depths of his mouth. For someone so silly, he's doing so well... "Mario- no... Tamari. Are you sure? I don't think there's any going back when we do this." I unbuckle his belt and start unbuttoning his pants. "I'm sure..." I say, panting softly. It's so hot. He's so hot. I need him. "If you're sure, then I am too. Let me try and do you justice." "Don't be silly; you'll do fine..."

I'm here. This is real. Fine?? Did the word "fine" leave my mouth? Considering the way my back arched, it's an understatement. Daniel slowly and gently undressed me and sat me on the bed, handling me with the sweetest touch... His body is already a drug, and he hasn't even done anything. He stands over me at the foot of the bed. "Umm...I want to do something. Something that'll make you feel good. Is that okay?" "That's just fine, Dan." I must stop using the word fine. Does he want to kill me??

All the air leaves my lungs as I feel his warm tongue caress every inch of me; he trails it up to my thigh, then down to my entrance. He licks and teases me, making me shudder with pleasure. "Ngh~ Daniel, please...stop teasing me~" He smiles and slides his tongue inside me. I gasp for air gripping the sheets until my knuckles turn white. "Fuck!! Oh God- mmm~" Daniel stands up grinning and puts a finger up to his mouth. Oh crap...I forgot people are here for a party. He gets back down on his knees and teases my clit, circling it with his tongue, before sliding back down and moving gently in and out of me. My back arches even higher, but not as high as my brain. My mind has gone to Cloud 9, yet my heart has dropped into my crotch. I've never felt so aroused by someone before. Fifteen minutes felt like an hour, yet also an instant. He stops, and before I can breathe, I feel his tip rub against my entrance. "Mario...this is the point of no return. Are you ready?" I nodded, and he slowly entered me. I bit my lip taking him in. I see his eyes roll back in pleasure; how much is he holding back?

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