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Burberry, California- February 2nd, 2018

Tamari's POV

My body feels...different. It's like electricity going through me, and power, unlike anything I've ever known, growing in my chest. I look up to the people in front of me and feel a sense of familiarity, sense of comfort. It's that feeling that you get when you see your parents, even if you don't recognize them, you know them somehow. "Who...who are you?" "Hush my child, be calm. My name is Zeus, I am the God of Lightning and ruler of all Olympus...well, formerly." "Formerly? What do you? - "I go to inquire, but before I can Dan grabs me and pulls me away from the ethereal being. Why was I being so calm around this stranger? It was like I was drawn to him... "Do not fear me my child, for the power that flows through you flows through me. You share the blood and blessing of a god. I am that god, and the one responsible of birthing you to this Earth." "What...?" I am confused by his words, I'm a god- demigod? This cannot be real...can it? "My dear child, do calm yourself. You are safe in our presence; we will not harm you." The woman standing next to the man claiming to be Zeus—my father—says. She then steps towards me, and surprisingly I do not move. I do not fear her, she's comforting. She brings me in for a hug, pressing my head gently against her chest. Her presence felt like a warm campfire, flames softly licking at my neck. Her warmth oozed of safety, like a mother's guarantee of love. My knees buckled at the comfort, and I gripped her back in the hug. "That's it my love, there there...." "She's finally calm..." Zeus mumbles seeming relieved. The woman giggles. "You're much too intimidating." "Oh, bugger off Hestia...you're just better with kids." Hestia? The goddess of the hearth? Then that must be why she is so warm! I could stand here all day. "So, who are the others here? Are they all gods too?" Daniel finally speaks up, being shocked at the events. "Happy birthday us..." I hear Alexander mumble in the background. There is a tall man with a messy beard and a strong body standing near him. His head is bald, and he is in sweltering heat, as he is covered in sweat. His attire is that of a blacksmith, carrying around tools like mallets and tongs. "Oh, ho, my child seems to have a humor about him!" The man loudly chuckles. "Hephaestus you are much too boorish. Silence yourself for once." "Stop being such a killjoy, jeez. Doesn't being a smartass get ti- ""Anyways, my name is Athena, child. I am your mother, and you carry my lineage. It is a pleasure to finally be acquainted with my child after so long." The woman says, taking a knee and grabbing Alexander's hand. He looks exhausted with this...poor thing.

Daniel POV

This is all too weird. This feels so similar...didn't something like this just occur? This is all familiar, where have I seen these two? I feel like I have known them my whole life, and like I just saw them yesterday—no, minutes ago. Oh wait! "Hey, you're the ones from my dream, aren't you?!" Poseidon glances at the boy, smiling gently. "It seems the intuition of our child stands up to his mother, doesn't it Aphrodite?" "Oh, you flatter me my love, that being said...that may be the only thing he took from me. He has your looks Poseidon." Hey...take this a bit more seriously guys... Poseidon shifts his glance to me, looking sterner. "So, you got my message did you child? Listen closely Daniel, you too other children. We are the gods of Olympus, and you are our children. The powers you see are not meant for mere display; they are a show of our strength which we have passed onto you." What is this guy talking about? Though, it is hard to not believe him, he feels so familiar to me. And the power now coursing through my veins is just the same as his, I can feel it. But why are they here? They appeared at midnight on our 18th birthday, what could be the meaning of this?

3rd Person POV

Daniel, Alexander, Tamari, and Alexia all stand before their god-kin. After the reveal of their lineage, they are in deep shock. Suddenly, Zeus lets out a deep breath, which fills the whole room in a deep blue haze. Then a voice booms in all their heads, a voice coming from every direction yet not having a source. "Fulfill the prophecy, complete your duty, save Olympus. The kin of gods survive alone among the destruction of Olympus, and only their inheritance can decide the future of the realm of gods. The despicable power of the Titans rampage, they will not stay still any longer. Stop them, before all is lost." Then suddenly it ends, and the room is filled with a thick silence, nearly palpable in texture. The children stand still, utterly chilled to their bones and confused beyond all their preconceptions of life. What will they do? How will things evolve from here?

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