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05/12/22/ 12:30 pm
*School bell rings*
"Jesus Christ..finally."
"Alright class. Have a nice day, see you tomorrow!" The teacher says.
I try and walk out of the class..
"Hey Alice..stay behind real quick, will ya?" The teacher says.
"S..sure...I guess..what's up Mr. James?"
"Alice I'm extremely worried about your grades..if you fail this semester your going to fail the year."
"I know..I'm trying it's just so hard with..everything going on and- and-"
*Mr. James interrupted*
"I can always talk to me Alice. I know the guidance counselor is mean. I can sign a pass for next class so you can stay here and talk?" He said.
"Alright..Thank you Mr. James" I smiled at him.
*Mr. James grabbed two chairs*
"Alright, what's up Alice?"
"Do you know..what trans people are?"
"Yes, I have many friends and family members that are trans themselves." He said smiling.
*My eyes went wide*
"Alright..well I'm trans" I said.
"Alright, well do you still want to go by Alice or do you have a preferred name?" He said.
"I- I would like to go by Zurro." I said nervously.
"Alright..well Zurro I appreciate you for telling me that..and I will make sure to keep your name in mind. Is there anything bothering you?" He looked at me, concerned.
"I've been getting bullied..people keep calling me slurs and I..I just can't take it anymore..I just want to be loved..I want to be respected.."
"Im so sorry Zurro. People are mean. There's are some ignorant people out in the world. Listen..after the school day ends the school is open and extra hour for cleaning. If you want, you can meet me in my class after and you can talk more? I just don't want you too late to class." He said. Smiling.
"Yes please Mr. James." I smiled back.
"Alright. I'll sign a pass and you can go to class!" He said, grabbing his note pad.
*I grab the pass and finish the day. I go to Mr. James after school and he is by far the nicest teacher I have ever met.*

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