The park/ Zara's house!!!!

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05/12/22/ 3:30 pm

"HEY BITCHH!!" Zara says as she pulls me in for a hug. "I'VE MISSED U MY CUDDLY IDIOT!!"
I laughed.
"I've missed u too, Zara" I hug her back.
Zara has been my friend ever since we were little. She helped me when I was getting bullied for wearing more masculine clothes in first grade and so on. She's helped me through everything. She's been my #1 for years. No one can take her place.

"WHY ARE WE JUST STANDING HERE LETS PLAY!!" Zara yelled with excitement.

Two high schoolers playing on a playground. That's a new site huh?

"LETS GOOOO!!" I yelled back at her in excitement.

Of course both of us headed to the swings first. Uh- duh!
Anyways, we play for a few hours.
"Hey do you think I could stay over for tonight? My dads being a total bastard."  I asked hoping she would say yes.

"DUHH OMG!! Your dad can suck my dick anyways. LETS GO TO MY HOUSE!! YOU CAN JUST BORROW MY CLOTHES!" She said hopping up and down like an excited bunny.

"YAYY!! LETS GOOOO!!" I said grabbing my skate board and motioning for her to show me the way to her house.

We arrive at her house shortly afterwards. I see her girlfriend sitting on the couch..

"Oh?" I said, glancing at her girlfriend.
"What's wrong?" Zara said, looking at me confused.
"N..nothing." I said looking down at my shoes.

Let me tell you something about Zara's girlfriend. She hates my guts. If I died she would laugh. She had hated me since Zara and her girlfriend, or Kayla, became friends. She thinks I'll "steal Zara away from her and date her." First of all, I don't like Zara like that. Second of all, if she was your girlfriend and you trusted her wouldn't you not worry about that?

I looked at Kayla. "Hi Kayla!" I put on a smile, just to make Zara happy.

She looked me up and down. "Hey...Ali— oops I meant Zurro...sorry.." She mumbled under her breath," I guess."

Now Zara doesn't know this but Kayla is like very transphobic. Which is funny because usually when you think about someone being gay, wouldn't u think they would support trans rights aswell? I dunno. But I really want to tell Zara but I don't want to break her heart because she has been a huge supporter of my transition and to have a transphobic girlfriend is...not good.

"Hey darling! Me and Zurro are gonna go to my room for a sleep over! Your allowed to join if you'd like!" She smiled at Kayla.

"Yeah..sure." She said, getting up and walking to us and heading upstairs.

As soon as we got upstairs..I decided I should just tell Zara about..y'k..her girlfriend being transphobic?

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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