Chapter Three

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Henry, Sir Dominic's Son.
He always lived in Sunshine Town with his mother.

When Sir Dominic was posted for teaching in another state, he was not left with any option but to leave his family.

He couldn't take his wife and son along with him as he lived at a hostel and couldn't afford to keep them with him but he often visited them during weekends. Henry never complained of not sharing his childhood with his father but for Sir Dominic, he lived in the guilt. Henry stepped out when Morco called him out.

"Hey Henry, your guest has arrived". Morco pointed me. Henry had a slight smile when he saw me.

"Hey Chris! Are you Chris, aren't you? Dad always keeps mentioning you. He will be very happy. Please come inside". Henry gestured me to come in.

I nodded and walked inside following him. Morco waved his hand and asked me to come again to his house. He closed his window.

Sir Dominic's house was not that well furnished but it was clean and it felt like home. Henry asked me to sit while he left to get Sir Dominic with him. I sat down on an old couch. It was chilly outside but the fireplace kept the house warm.

Suddenly, I heard a wheelchair moving and I looked behind.
It was Sir Dominic, he was smiling widely. His eyes had that same spark as it used to be earlier. He had a long white beard and mustache complimenting his hair.
He was dressed in warm clothes and he was seated on the wheelchair.

Henry was standing behind him. I bent down to hug him.

"I am really happy with your arrival, I missed you so much son. You have grown so tall. How was your journey, You must be very tired. I think you must take rest now. Go and freshen up, Henry would help you out then we will sit together for lunch". Sir hugged me and gave a detailed schedule for the day.

Always the controlling one!
I found their welcome very warm.

I walked upstairs following Henry. He took me to the last room on that floor.
He gave me all the instruction.

The room was small with a small bed. There was a old wardrobe at the entrance of the room. The bed had a clean bedsheet and a quilt.

There was a side table adjacent to the bed with a small lamp and a window with simple curtains behind the bed. There was a fireplace opposite the wardrobe.

Henry instantly lit the woods on fire. I opened the window and I could see Morco playing piano as his window was opposite to my window.
He waved back when he spotted me.

Henry left after telling me to get rest and be on time for lunch.

I stepped outside at 13:00.
Henry was setting up the table. The table had beautiful table mats. Henry had prepared meal. Sir Dominic arrived on wheelchair.

We sat for lunch. I didn't eat much. Food was excellent. Henry is indeed a brilliant cook.

Henry had to go out so He asked me to take care of Sir Dominic. I washed the plates and cleaned the table.

Sir Dominic was reading book in the study.

After cleaning up the kitchen, I went inside the study. He smiled at me,

"Do you remember this, This is the same book you gifted me the last time we met. I am so proud to see you Son. I always have a guilt for not being a great father for Henry but for you I think I have successfully completed my responsibility in shaping up your career".

My eyes were wet, I hugged him and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you". I whispered in his ears.
Henry arrived in the evening with some warm clothes and grocery.
There was snowfall at night. I wore my sweat shirt and socks. I sat at the window and was talking to Morco.

Morco told me about his background.
I found his name strange and amusing.

"I was born in the Morocco City and the city saved my family from terror or else I would have died at birth. Dad named me Morocco, Others teased me in school and hence I decided to shorten my name, So Morco!". He explained.

We were talking till 02:00. I slept after that.

I was looking for a new beginning but didn't realize that this beginning would change my life.

Lost But Found.........Some Hidden MemoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora