When the world taints love.

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You know you love her. Just say it. You know you love him. Just show it. Why is that some people are so scared to commit? Why do we have this stigma placed upon us to not feel anything so early on, when deep down inside of us, we know already.

Sometimes I wish every single person on this planet would be free of fear to love someone. So deeply, so passionately. If you care, you show that you do. I on the other hand realised what triggers me into falling for a person.

The talk, the touch, the acknowledgment. Your eyes.

I just like it all so much. It's rare to find someone that you really like, and when you do. It's as if everything just drops like glitter in the air, falling down slowly. Time just pauses for a moment. Nothing else crosses your mind.

You're out of reach. You feel something.

It's wild.

I want to be loved again. I want to give all of my own love to someone. I want to be able to say,"I love you".

But instead I cry. I cry not because I'm sad, I cry because I'm tainted from what the world has showed me. We've lost the true meaning of opening our hearts without fear.

I want to show you that I deeply care. I sincerely care. I would even let my heart be broken by you because I know the pain will ease the burning desire of trying to love you.

And once that's done, I'll just never ever feel again.
I go down, to this deep,dark hole...

Depression, perhaps...

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