Chapter 3: Finley the Ferret

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While hiding away, small rummaging noises brought my attention from the handheld contraption. Worrying that somebody had snuck their way into the daycare, I open up the cameras, looking at the one placed in front of my desk. Finley, the ferret-like animatronic, seemed to be rummaging through my belongings, anything shiney he found would immediately be placed in one of the many jackets in his pocket. I open the door to my hiding space rushing out and glaring at the ferret. "Hey! Give that back, that isn't yours!" I spoke in an authoritative tone, though it seemed to have scared him off. He grabs anything else he can before running off towards the fox's den. I chase after him, wanting anything he took back.

Finley brushes past Phoenix as he places his newly collected items in his usual hiding spot in the corner of the den, inside the wall panel before cowering nearby hiding behind a pillow. I rush in not too long after, only to be stopped by Phoenix. He stepped in front of me with his arms crossed as he looked down at me "why are you chasing Finley." He says in a scolding fatherly tone like I was caught with my hand in the snack cabinet. His tail tapped on the ground making a soft fump sound from the fur-like material. "I...I um....He took some of my stuff..." I look up at the animatronic, still trying to hold a bit of anger before blushing heavily and looking down at my feet, remembering what I had seen. Realizing now that if Sun and Moon had genitalia, then Finley and Phoenix would too, wouldn't they. I back up a bit, " I....I'll just buy new stuff..."

Phoenix sighs then turns to Finley "give them back and I will give you extra shiny things later but you have to give EVERYTHING back" Finley would pout looking at Phoenix before grabbing the items, making his way back over almost like a scolded puppy. He holds out the many shiny objects, one of them being my phone which would begin to vibrate in the ferret's hands. The name lit up before I stared in shock. was my ex boyfriend...calling me? I pick the phone up and answer.

"H-hello?" I was greeted with a deep grunt of disgust before shouting could be heard, both animatronics able to hear, and honestly, anyone who was in the vicinity of the daycare would be able to hear. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU! WE HAD A FUCKING DATE TONIGHT AND YOU COULDN'T BOTHER TO SHOW UP?" I immediately covered my mouth, tears flooding to my eyes as I backed away, dropping the phone after hanging up and soon returning to the place behind my desk. I didn't know what to do..He broke up with me..last week. I got a new job, a new phone number even. How did he find me? I grip my hair as my tears continue to paint my cheeks with sorrow, wishing just to be home and away from everything.

The next thing that could be heard was soft talking that turned into a bit of quiet bickering before silence. The silence was interrupted by a bit of an annoyed: "fine! I'll do it just don't hold your breath he may not wanna see me..." A gentle knock sounds at the door I was hiding behind. "Sunflower? It's me Sundrop. Can you come out so we can talk? If not that's fine but I wanna apologize and ask if you're ok?" I sigh hearing the voice, tears still covering my cheeks as I gripped my knees to my chest, trying to quiet my crying down. Though with no luck I peek my head out carefully and walk out of the spot, though avoiding eye contact and looking at sundrop completely, my tears still fall down my cheeks.

"Oh Sunflower, come now let's keep the rain away" he says this before hesitantly reaching out to wipe my tears away with his surprisingly soft and warm hand. I begin to lean into his hand before remembering what I saw in the back room, pulling away a bit quickly almost with fear in my eyes before wrapping my arms around my stomach and hunching over a bit. I notice Finley making his way over and sets my stuff down on my desk, looking almost like a kid who got in trouble.

Sundrop pulls his hand away as soon as I pull back his eyes well up with pain and his face drops to look sad, this being the most human-like I've seen him. Sundrop then stands up and walks away, brushing past Moondrop before stopping "I told you to lock the door, now he's scared of us! This is YOUR fault Moondrop! Now don't talk to me till you get your shit together and find a pretty damn good apology gift" Sundrop then makes his way to the tower, retreating into his room and stays hidden behind a locked closed door. Moondrop then taps his chin as if trying to think of something, walking over to Phoenix. Finley sits down next to me, before looking at me and tapping a button on his chestplate, causing it to open. He pulls out a plush fredbear and hands it over to me. It was an adorable little toy, something so soft though so comforting. I hold the toy close to me and sniffle a bit, allowing myself to calm down, though not making any sort of eye contact with Finley.

"I wanted to tell you kid, I thinks its stupid just to let people find out on their own, especially in the way Phoenix had you do it." He reaches down and gently pats my head before looking around the daycare. "It's almost 2, You should get hidden before lights out again, okay?" Finley then stands up before walking back towards the fox's den. I look down at the bear before rubbing the soft fabric on it. Lights out, again. I stand and follow Finley away from my desk, curious as to where he hides out during the lights out. I watch Finley walk back into the Fox's den before rubbing my shoulder nervously. I walk into the den as well and glance around, not really wanting to see Phoenix, though knowing this is where he resides, I was bound to find him.

Phoenix is sitting with his back to the door, his ears are back and he has headphones on, not hearing me come in as he hums and fiddles with something in front of him. I continue to walk in, seeing Finley curled up in a corner. I walk over towards Finley and lay down near him, cuddling up close to the soft fur he had. It seemed he was replaced by Phoenix, thus being placed on maintenance and security. I yawn a bit and stay close to the animatronic. He opens his eyes and looks at me a bit shocked to see me so close, though gently wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close and gently rubbing my neck with one of his thumbs. I blush a bit before shaking my head, snapping myself out of it, finally wiping my tears away and holding him tightly, allowing him to cuddle me.

Phoenix turns around yawning and stands up , as he starts to walk over to Finley but he stops and his normally flat laying fur poofs out in all directions as he has a surprise and startled look on his face. "OH FUZZ!" He then makes a sound like he is clearing his throat. Finley looks up at Phoenix and smiles softly, his long tail swaying a bit before he pulls me closer, his soft body seemingly like a soft pillow. I gently look up and cup his face softly petting the fur on his cheeks. His face turns a bit of a purplish reddish color where one would normally see blush before he chuckled at me. "Now, now Ollie, no need to show affection okay?" He spoke softly before engulfing me in a tight hug.

"Hey um Oliver...I want to apologize for what you seen, Moondrop told me I couldn't get you to go over to the storage room, he said he wouldn't be doing anything and yet, well now I feel really bad and I hope you can forgive me" the bigger shaped plush fox holds out a small bouquet of origami flowers of many colors, you could have sworn they were real. His head is down with his long fluffy ears laying to the sides. I watch him carefully before sighing softly, feeling a soft growl from the animatronic behind me. He looks up at Phoenix with his yellow eyes that seem to be brighter, glowing a bit in the dark of the lights out. "You might wanna give those to Sunny instead, he isn't very happy." I spoke gently before feeling the grip of Finley grow a bit tighter, I gasp a bit from the sudden tightening before laughing a bit, "Finley, can you loosen your grip please." The ferret, seemingly realizing how tight he had me, suddenly released a lot of the pressure that was holding me against him before I sigh a bit.

"One: I already have one for sunny, and two: stop being so territorial Oliver isn't yours." Phoenix spoke, seemingly having an authoritative tone in his voice. Finley growls a bit. "You can't tell me what to do, mine, he's shiny!" Finley hid me in his jacket, me now placed against an ocean of cream-colored fur, it was very comforting here.

"But he isn't yours, he is a human! You can't claim him" Phoenix throws his hands up as his fluffy tail hits the ground irritated, his voice lets out a soft growl back. Finley watches Phoenix before sighing softly and gently biting my neck, causing me to release a soft moan as I blushed heavily. He smiles before looking up at Phoenix again pointing at the new bitemark. "See, mine, Oliver is mine, my mark is here!"

"Fine, have Oliver but that means you can't sleep or hide your stuff in here, no more cuddles from me, and you lose me and all my love!" I look at the two animatronics watching them argue like a couple. I sigh before shaking my head and standing up, wanting to break up the fight. "No Phoenix, don't punish him...Please.....I just needed....comfort but It's okay." I then gently pat Finley on the head before leaving. Finley sighs before curling up in his corner a bit saddened but ignoring the emotions that were overriding his programming. I make my way towards my station, soon being stopped by Moondrop. 

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