At Home

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Tylah woke up on her bed. Slowly she sat up. Everything was as normal. Her door was shut and all her things in there right places. It was as if none of it happened, or that's what she wanted to think. Slowly she pulled of the covers and slipped on her slippers. Tylah scuffed over to her door, as she opened it, it creaked just as it always had before hand. Tylah keep scuffing her feet along the ground into the kitchen. She went straight over to the fridge and opened it up. Just as tylah went to grab a juice box, her father walked in.

"Im quite surprised tylah, your handiling this very well" her father said as he sneaked past her and grabed the bottle of coke from the door on the fridge.

"Handiling what?" She asked

" the plane crash? What? Do you not remember?"

"But but no....I..I.I thought it was a dream"
Quickly with saying that tylah ran down the hall yelling

"MUM, JAKE?....NOOOO please no"

Her father ran down the hall following tylah. Her went over to her and grabbed hold of her tightly. Tylah just fell into her fathers arms, tears streaming at rapid speeds down her cheaks and onto the floor. By the time she had stopped crying, tylah and her father (still holding onto her dad) walked back into the lounge to have a talk. Her father explained everthing to tylah. Why they got on the plane, how it crashed and how she ended up in bed.

"All this time**cry** I thought it was a dream**still crying**but it wasent, it was real" Tylah started to cry much much harder making puddles of tears on the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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