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I'd do anything, I mean anything to get out of this house, Claire, my older sister wants to bring her boyfriend to meet the family, at the moment she's practicing her infectious laugh, Good Lord. "Get your ass up, NOW." Sandy my foster mom shouts from downstairs, and I just know it was directed at me. I groggily get up, and get ready, I grab a piece of toast and rush out  of the house

Schools are just a nuisance in any human being's life, I tried to bring it up to my David, my foster dad, and he just started tutting, and told me not to be late for school, ''Kloe, WAKE UP!!!!" A very loud absolutely unattractive voice shrieked right next to my ear, I jolted up, to see Ms. Thompson's head peering at me, really it's no wonder she is still MS and not MRS, I muttered an apology and she left satisfied to the front of the class, "Damn Kloe, Again?" Jessica my best friend of two years asked,  I nodded. 

For the past month I've been falling asleep like a drugged up rabbit, but my family wasn't concerned since I've always been sleeping like a dead animal, But this was completely out of my ordinary routine, I'd be lively one minute and then dead asleep the other minute, Jessica also noticed and she introduced the water effect, which is basically when i wash my face with ice cold water which in my opinion is completely stupid because a} people have been doing that since before Jessica was born b} i hate water, it kills my sleeping vibe

The bell rang for lunch break, but before we could leave Ms. Thompson said, "For all who are interested, There will be a student exchange program between us and the Verspentine Academy, for all of those who are interested, please sign up tomorrow during study hall, Kloe, I expect you there" 

"What does that woman want with me????" I exclaimed after walking out of class, " I don't know maybe she wants you to go?" Jessica said, I glared at her meaningfully, "Yes, Jessica thank you for your very valuable input, the whole nation will remember it" I seethed, "ok" was all she said," Look, i'm sorry but that woman just works up my damn nerves!!!!!" I said while punching the air,

Later on the day ,I dragged my body back home, And as expected, the house was LOUD,  I walked through the door and found all the girls hogging around someone i couldn't see clearly, And suddenly everything was black once more,

"oh she dead" I heard one of my foster brothers Jacob saying, My eyes snapped open when a very slimy substance landed on my head, "What the hell was that?" I exclaimed, "It's nice" Lizzy one of my littles sisters said, "Honey, that's your used nappy" I heard Sandy say, "WHAT!!!!!" I rusher to clear my face " People sanitize their faces?" I heard an unfamiliar male voice laced with amusement behind me, I figured it was the famous boyfriend of Claire's " When there is a used nappy on your face, you gotta do what you gotta do" I replied, He chuckled "Jeremy" He said "Kloe" I replied "Quite a big family you've got here" Jeremy said " Oh yeah, It's a nightmare" I said

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