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"GET BACK HERE YOU SORRY EXCUSE OF A COPY!" The dark skeleton rants as he follows the unworthy skeleton, not bothering to breakout into a run.

Strawberry was running as fast as he could, but this proved to be a difficult thing to do when his magic levels were quickly draining as he tried to heal the damge he'd been dealt.

Not daring to look back or waste his breath, he continued to make his way further into the AU's forest. Ragged breaths left him as him pushed forward, but his strength was waning, the initial adrenaline rush fading.

He managed to make it to a clearing before he collapsed, legs weak from so much exertion. He cries out in fear upon seeing his attacker enter the clearing, the cold gaze causing his SOUL to tremble and his mind to fill with terror. He scrambles away from the dark being as quickly as he can, feet scrabbling at the grass as he claws his way forward with his hands.

Nightmare chuckles as he nears the alternate version of himself, disgusted as he thought about the reasons behind his existence. Probably had something to do about that one time that Ink referenced him to a smoothie, or his brother trying to convince him that he could be 'good'.

A tendril snakes it's way to Strawberry's feet, curling around tarsals before dragging the helpless skeleton closer to the monster.

To the pink one's credit, rather than sob and plead for their life, they managed to hold back most of the tears and instead try and get loose from the appendage by attacking with their own along with a bone attack.

Nightmare easily pinned the foreign tendrils to the other's back, pinning the arms to their side as he stared at the smaller all the while. Version of himself they may be, but height and power was not something they had when compared to others, especially to the King of Negativity. In terms of power the other hadn't caused him any loss in health. As for height Nightmare towered over the other, easily four feet taller than the smaller.

A single tendril goes to Strawberry's skull, the end tilting his chin up to look at Nightmare. Seeing as he was helpless, the monster let's his despair flow freely, not bothering to hide it anymore despite what may come next because of it.

Nightmare's eyelight glows brightly as the onslaught of Negativity hits him, the flavor tasting, unsurprisingly, of strawberry milkshakes. What he wasn't expecting, however, was for it to be so addicting, the want to have more spreading through his being, quarreling with his few morals for means to satisfy the desire.

Looking at the other in new light, he considers his options.

Strawberry closes his eye as he awaits his fate, the apprehension almost worse as his mind went through multiple, possible scenarios and last pleads. In the middle of his daze, Strawberry opens his sockets at the feeling of one of his tendrils becoming suddenly warm. What he saw made him sweat drop.

Nightmare had decided that if his emotions were so delectable, surely a taste would due, just out of curiosity of course, he wondered if it would taste anything like his own, (another story for another time).

Although they didn't taste like his, the appendage almost tasted better than the negativity. The slight wriggling that came from the appendage reminded Nightmare of the time that Horror shoved an eel down his throat... he was really distracted at the time. Biting down, he severed the tendril in a clean cut, licking his teeth after getting the treat down.

When Nightmare thought about it later on, he'd realize that the magic in the portion was much less than there should have been...

Strawberry at this point was looking at Nightmare mortified. Although the action hadn't hurt him, the fact that the other just ATE a part of him made him quake at the thought of what was going through the immortal's skull.

He was shifted, a single tentacle keeping all of his limbs pinned to his sides and back as the rest returned to the king's side. Dark hands pry Strawberry's jacket from him before sliding it off his shivering bones. His pink eyelight widens as he looks at the other's piercing cyan one, managing to convey a silent question with his expression to the dark being as he shrinks in on himself.

"I don't wanna taste your jacket." The king states simply, politely folding the clothing before assigning a tentacle to hold it.

<Concern prickles at the edge of his conscience as he took in how frail the other looks. Even by skeleton standards, Strawberry was rather thin.>

Not knowing how to respond or react, Strawberry can only tense as the taller's skull is suddenly close to his, a cherry blush exploding across his skull before Nightmare unhinged his jaw, 'HE CAN DO THAT!?!' engulfing the rosa skull up to the bottom of Strawberry's mandible. The soft maw gives to the object entering and false muscles pull the skeleton in until he was in up to his floating ribs. A tapered tongue coats him in transparent magic as he slides further in, peristalsis carrying him further inside the creature.

Although it wasn't crushingling tight, the passage wasn't very roomy. Strawberry was really glad that he didn't necessarily need to breathe to survive, though he wasn't sure his survival was likely if his predator was going to...

Footwear in hand, Nightmare snaps his jaws shut after feet disappear into the depths if his esophagus, his midsection feeling quite full as his prey slipped completely into it.

Thanks to the size difference, Strawberry merely made a small bulge that was easily made unnoticeable by the black turtleneck he was wearing.

Leaning against a tree at the edge of the clearing, Nightmare closes his socket as he revels in the satisfying feeling of warmth and the lingering taste of his treat. He was feeling so blissful that he nearly doubled over when a fresh wave of terror nearly knocked him over.

The flavor was absolutely mouthwatering, but the struggling and sobs weren't exactly desirable. The entire process had been rather smooth, Strawberry not putting up much of a fight as he'd been devoured. Nightmare assumes that after the shock came realization and his primal panic took over.

Sighing, Nightmare tenses his abdomen, mostly holding his morsel still as he waited for them to tire out. He would never admit it, but he was rather impressed with the strength behind the struggles despite the energy that had been spent in the attempts to escape him.

After a moment, the struggling begins to weaken as the captive lost the last of their fight, groveling despair feeding Nightmare as they fell limp.

Nightmare rumbles, sitting up before walking out of the clearing, coldly waving off the quiet whimpers coming from Strawberry. Sure he could teleport, but he favored taking a stroll now that he was in no hurry.

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