P1 - Meowbahh & Y/N

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Y/N was walking home from her middle school that day. Things were tough for them- they'd recently had a break-up and they were feeling pretty rough at that moment in time.
Suddenly, a familiar face jumped out from a nearby gooseberry hedge.
"Meowbahh?" Y/N exclaimed, so loudly they caught the attention of a few nearby students.
Meowbahh had done some pretty crazy things in her friendship with Y/N, so they weren't too mad at her.
Meowbahh looked on, expectantly, at Y/N.
"What do YOU want now?" Y/N hissed at the little brat Meowbahh.
"Notice anything new, Y/N-sama?" She said, giving Y/N a goofy little twirl.
Now that Y/N thought about it, they did think something was up...
"What?" Y/N sighed, completing their sarky remark with a roll of the eyes. Today was NOT the day for Meowbahh's stupid little face to be in hers for the rest of the afternoon.
"Look at my socks~" Meowbahh exclaimed with a sudden air of triumph.
True to her word, her usual pastel-goth socks had been replaced with a pair of ugly brown stockings.
"So, you got a pair of ugly socks? Not my problem. Now GET OUT OF MY WAY." Y/N hissed under her breath, not so loud that they'd attract attention again.
"Oh, but it is! Look at this~" she said, turning around. The backs of her socks had little mushrooms on them, cottage core and cute.
"Right, you're changing your style? I do that all the time. Now GO. AWAY." Y/N said, a little louder than before but still not losing their temper. Meowbahh ignored their request, and twirled around again and again, in a goofy manner. Y/N didn't know what it was about the way she acted but what they did know is that she was annoying as hell.

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