P2 - A change of heart

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Y/N didn't know what it was about the way she acted but what they did know is that she was annoying as hell. They were just about to scream at Meowbahh to shut up when, as she turned around, Meowbahh dashed away. Y/N was mildly confused - bamboozled, you might say - but decided to take it as another one of Meowbahh's silly antics. One thing they prayed for, though, was for Meowbahh not to jump out on them again.
Y/N walked home, head down, not drawing any attention to theirself. They weren't one for popularity- Y/N had even turned down an invite to a party. Y/N  heavily introverted and planned to stay that way forever.
Unfortunately, Meowbahh ignored Y/N's prayers and, as soon as they opened the door, screamed in their face.
This time, they really lost their sanity.
"MEOWBAHH, LISTEN." Y/N shouted, getting louder each syllable.
"You'll what, Y/N-chan?" Meowbahh sighed.
Then Y/N completely melted, wrapped their arms around Meowbahh and sobbed.
"It's been a tough week, meow" Y/N mumbled into her shoulder. Even though Meowbahh made Y/N want to rip their brain out of their nose, I guess she was always there for them.
And Y/N was always there for her.
She was still annoying as hell but Y/N supposed that Meowbahh needed Y/N but Y/N also needed Meowbahh.
"Meowbahh, please don't stop doing what you do, no matter what I say or how many times I tell you to stop, " Y/N said, looking at Meowbahh's shiny, black eyes like that of a bug.
"Don't worry, Y/N-chan, I won't," Meowbahh hissed as she slowly, almost unnoticeablely, revealed a handgun from her skirt pocket...
"Now meow, kitty, meow."

Meowbahh & Y/N حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن