Chapter 2

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Katsuki pov. I feel soft lips on my lips and I realized I passionately kiss back while Izuku breaks to kiss." I like you to kaccahn and I would love to be your boyfriend." As I hear those words I pick up izuku and spin him around while laughing. Let's gets to class hm? Izuku nods.

Izukus pov.
Kaccahn spinned me around in the air while I laughed....but sadly tomorrow will be the day that I ended it all. The day that I will be a disgrace anymore, I will probably make him proud, I will probably make the world proud.

~ next day~
Izuku pov.

The wind lightly blows my hair from my crying face, I didn't want to do this...... my life is just starting to get perfect but... I have to end it. I take off my shoes while putting them on the roof. "I-izuku what are you doing?"

I hear while I turn around to see my boyfriend... kaccahn. I smile with tears streaming down my face, I'm sorry but I have to go now. " izuku please" he sobs. " get away from the edge" I shake my head. I love you. So much kaccahn. You hear me....? I start to lean back. "NO IZUKU!" I try's to reach his hand but he's to late. Now I see black.........

Katsuki pov.

NO IZUKU! I see him fall back while I is my explosions to try to get him. I'm to late. Blood splash's my face as people start screaming. IZUKU! IZUKU WAKE UP I cry while caressing his cheeks. Please Izuku. I babble over and over to the ambulance arrive.

The doctors let me back in the room. He's been in a coma for about 5 days now. Please izuku? Wake up for me. I say while holding his hand crying. Please...

It's been a month.I haven't been eating nor getting any type of rest or sleep, i can think about izuku, I'm now in UA. I was supposed to be with izuku. My friend know what happened to him and try's to help me. But nothing helps. *knock at door* leave me alone. "Cmon honey open the door" pinky says. I open the door to her holding ice cream. I told you stop calling me that...."cmon just sit down and eat a little for me?" I sit down on the bed with the ice cream eating slowly. I start crying. "Shhh... I know honey it's okay" pinky says while holding my head. "Shhh"
Why did he have to do it? I want him to wake up. I say.

Please izuku wake up...

Wake up...

Wake up


Izuku pov

WAKE UP! I gasp while waking up to the hospital room. The nurse walks in and gasps. I NEED DOCTERS ON ROOM 682! Hey sweetheart you okay? The nurse ask. Y-yes I'm fine where's kaccahn?
Kaccahn? Katsuki bakugo right? Y-yes ma"am can you call him please? Sure sweetheart. She runs out while docters come in.

Katsukis pov

I watching a movie while I get interrupted by a phone call, I picked it up and it's from the the hospital?! I sit up while answering , yes? *is this Katsuki bakugo?* y-yes? *you might wanna come to the the hospital izuku midorya is wake*

I'm so sorry izuku. ~bakudeku~Where stories live. Discover now