Chapter 2 ~ Finally, a fun day with Whisper! (Tangle POV)

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I am skipping along my villages paths, with my bestest friend, Whisper! She has been my best friend for a while now, and I'm so glad! I've been the only person she has been able to accept into her life after tragic things happened with her past friends. Me and Whisper haven't been able to have a NDD (No-Danger-Day, I made it up myself!) in a looong time! I'm just so glad that we get to spend time together. I suddenly cut out of zoning out to Whispers beautiful voice. "So, have you checked on Mimic?" Whisper says, turning her head to my direction. "Oh, yeah! I have! He REAAALLLY regrets it! So glad he got what he deserves!" I say, proud of how I check on that traitor everyday. He has to suffer for his actions! Whisper chuckles at how proud I am, I feel even happier now! I don't really know where we're going, but I'm just following Whisper. "Hey, Whisper! Where are we going?" I ask, hoping she knows. "I was thinking a picnic." Whisper says, with her head still looking down at her shoes. "Oooh! I love picnics! Yes!" I exclaim. I really want to jump in joy again, but that'll waste energy for the picnic. I'll just walk normally, maybe even copy how Whisper's walking to seem normal, or not. Whatever my body decides! It ends up me walking backwards for some reason. Surprisingly, Whisper doesn't judge. She just looks at me and smiles, then looks back down at her shoes. "We're almost there." she says. I can never tell if she's excited or not, but I just always hope that she's atleast 10% excited! "Wait- Really?!" I say, going back to walking normally and catching up to her. "Yes. We're here now." She says pointing to the tree with the picnic blanket under it. "Oh my gosh! It's perfect!" I yell. I run over to the picnic blanket and sit under the tree, it has perfect shade! "This is perfect, Whisper! Thank you for doing this!" I say, I am really grateful of how much she tries. "No problem. Why don't we start the picnic?" She asks. "YES!" I yell with the biggest smile I've ever had. I notice that Whisper's tail is wagging.

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