Chapter 3 ~ The Picnic (Whisper POV)

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I love seeing how excited Tangle is about the slightest things. I can't tell if she's just trying to make me happy, or she's genuinely happy about it. Either way, it makes me very happy. I'm normally not the kind for most people to see the happiness I can have, but I can tell Tangle sees it. Tangle's the one person who really knows the real me. I have known her for quite a long time now, fighting evil with heroes. But I'm glad we finally do get a NDD honestly. It feels nice. Tangle's eating, I don't think she's noticing me zoning out, instead she's eating the food I got for the picnic. Right when I say that, she looks up at me. "Hey, Whisper? You alright? You aren't eating." She questions me zoning out. I look up at her face. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just zoning out." I say, I really wish I could put more emotion in my words just like Tangle. "Oh, alright! You should have some of this Pecan Pie! It's the best! Who made it?" Tangle says whilst a slice of Pecan Pie is stuffed in her mouth. "I did. I made it." I say, looking at the half eaten Pecan Pie. "Oh really? You made all this? Wow! You're so good at cooking!" She looks astonished. I can't do anything that doesn't show enough positive emotion than smiling and wagging my tail. Either way, I can control neither. "I haven't actually tried my Pecan Pie. First time making it." I say, grabbing the Pecan Pie. "This is actually your first time making it?! Wow! I thought a professional made it!" She exclaims, her eyes lighting up. "Don't cook often, really. Not my thing." I say, taking a bite of the pie directly after. "I can't believe it!" She says in excitement, I can tell she's running out of words to say.  "Did you make the sandwiches, too?" She wonders, slightly turning her head over to the sandwiches but still looking at me.  "Yes." I say, putting down the Pecan Pie. "That's so cool!" Tangle says, she looks back down at her sandwich and eats it. We eat the food until we're stuffed. "That was great, Whisper!" She says, turning her head towards me and getting up. She lends out a hand to me to help me get up. "To our friendship!" She says, not realizing that you normally only say that when you have drinks. I look back down to my shoes, in slight sadness. She looks back at me, I can't tell if she's worried or zoning out. "What's wrong?" She wonders, not moving her head a single inch. "Nothing. It's just," I take a look up at her, keeping my expression. "I don't want to be just friends anymore, Tangle."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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