"Calling Him By His Full Name"

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"Possessive Min Yoongi Version"

Your boyfriend Yoongi was given a full week off because his boss' family was going on a trip for a few days, so now here you both were on the sofa watching a dog film with Yoongi on the side playing with Holly.

He wasn't really focusing on the movie and was much more interested with playing with Holly's hair (or fur?? idk ;-;), so you decided to be a bit mischievous and play a little prank on him.

Yoongi: Who's my good boy? Who's my good boy? hmm? You are! You are! Yes you are, my Holly!

Yoongi puts Holly down on his lap then grabs his coke to drink.

 Y/n: Hey Min Yoongi, can you get me that remote over there?

He then chokes on his drink making Holly jump off his lap and cuddle onto your waist, while you laugh and bring Holly up to your face to give him kisses.

Yoongi: (cough) argh-ehm- What did you just call me?

Y/n: Min Yoongi.....your name?

Yoongi: My name?

Y/n: Yeah isn't that your name...?

He then grabs Holly off your hands and makes Holly raise his paws in the air and makes him look at you.

Yoongi: The name is BABY, BABE, BUBS!

Y/n: I dont want to, besides Min Yoongi is your name right?

Yoongi drops Holly on the floor and pins both of your hands above your head and stares at you intensely.

Yoongi: BABY......

Y/n: Min Yoongi.....

You couldnt hold in your laugh any longer, it felt like tingles in the sides of your waist while holding out your laughter.

Yoongi: .........

Y/n: Now can you grab me the remote?

Yoongi: No

Y/n: Min Yoongi...give me the remote 0-0

Yoongi stands up from the couch and now going near the sleeping dog and tosses the remote towards the other side of the room.

Yoongi: Y'know what fine, I'll play with Holly instead, he's now my baby-


Yoongi: ......😀......why do I feel so betrayed...?

You grab Holly and enter your room and locked it tight while giggling at the sound of him banging your rooms door, well one things for sure Yoongi is sleeping on the couch tonight.

"Softie Min Yoongi Version"

You bought Yoongi a Ps5 for his birthday and he's been obsessed with it lately, he got so addicted to the game he even forgot about his music club and told his coach that he would skip for about a week, but from the looks of it he's not getting out of that chair forever.

Of course you couldn't let that happen, he was going to be off of Music Club for an entire week and you weren't going to let him just be stuck on the damned game of his, so you tried out some plans to get his attention.

Yoongi was now in his room and was frustrated while looking at the screen because his teammates messed up their strategy in the battle.

You couldn't help but to take a video of him while doing so, but that was cut short cause he put down his headphones and drank down the entire water bottle on his table.

You got near him before he could go back to his game.

Y/n: Hey, what you doin?

Yoongi: Just finished a game, I'm going back after this quick break actually, what are you doing here?

Y/n: Well I thought we could go shopping and-

Yoongi: Oh sorry, I can't come bubs, I promised my friends that I'd play another round with them, is that okay with you?

Y/n: Oh-, that's fine, have fun playing your games......Min Yoongi

You turned around and he immediately stood up from his seat, He knew there was something wrong cause you never called him by his full name before, he was about to talk to you when your phone rang and you picked it up to answer.

Y/n: Oh hey there Harry, why'd you call?

Harry: Hey Y/n, me and the gang thought we could grab lunch and hang out by the mall, wanna come with?

Y/n: Oh who's coming with us?

Yoongi just stood behind you while you now started wearing your hoodie and your shoes, but he then went to his desktop and he turned off his game, not even bothering to say bye to his teammates and friends.

Harry: Draco, Oliver, Cedric, Thomas and - - - - - - - - - - -

Yoongi: "Why are all of them guys tho....? Are all of Y/n's friends at work boys?!?!?"

Y/n: Oh thats great then, I'm on my way-

Harry: Oh remember that guy I told you about? The guy who has a crush on you?

Yoongi: "What the-"

Y/n: Oh yeah, what about him?

Harry: I think his name was Tewksbury....he was invited by Tom Holland, also the guy who has a crush on you

Y/n: Okay dude stop, my boyfriend is right here, I'm coming over bye-

Yoongi: Can I come too baby?

Y/n: I thought you were still playing your games tho-

Yoongi: I've had enough games already, I wanna spend some time with you~

You bursted out laughing and so did Harry on the other side of the phone, Yoongi looks at you with the "What the heck just happened?" face and you wipe your fake tears and looks at your phone.

Y/n: Thanks for the help Harry, lets do the mall idea some other time HAHAHAHAHA

Harry: It was fun, glad I could be of service HAHAHAHA bye

You end the call and Yoongi is still staring at you.

Yoongi: So this was a-

Y/n: A prank, yes, now give me cuddles~

Yoongi: At your service darling~

Y/n: Hold up did you just purr?!?

Yoongi: Shh~

Y/n: did you seriously just shush me..? 😀😀😀

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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