Blood and Ice equals Love

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It had become cold in the castle, the castle which had once belonged to someone completely different. Someone who had long since ceased to be the one he once was. He was no longer a shining hero, no longer a just king, he was now a tyrant and all of Narnia became his kingdom.
The forests covered with snow and ice. The plants, trees, mountains all covered with the white snow. The huge endless seas were frozen and no ship except his own could pass through them. Everything and everyone belonged to him. High King Edmund the just.
His gaze went out of the frost-covered windows to the white landscape. The castle of the white witch had resurrected her with her magic. 

Stone mixed with ice and it seemed to get colder every second. But Edmund did not, he had felt connected to the cold since his first encounter with the white witch Jadis. ,,You made me wait," it came coolly yet with a certain curiosity from the witch. The tall woman entered the hall. ,,There were a few more insubordinates who had to be eliminated," Edmund said, unimpressed, and turned to his ally.
The witch took a seat on her throne in the middle and Edmund went to the ice shelf. His fingers opened the ice-covered glass and he took out two goblets. ,,Would you be so kind," he said casually as he took the wine from one of the other racks. He knew she would do it, but their relationship had grown on too tight a bond of betrayal, deceit and blood. As he turned, his lips lifted into a fine smile. The witch had created a table of ice and another throne for him with a simple movement of her hand. He placed the goblets in front of her as well as in front of himself before opening the wine. The red seemed like blood and completely out of place as it shimmered darkly through the ice silver goblet. 

As he sat down in his seat across from her and poured for himself, his gaze drifted back to Jadis. Her pale lips had taken on a soft reddish-pink hue from the drink. "His lips were like that too," he said to his inner self and reached for his glass. ,,Don't torment yourself with the past, you know it only leads to pain and suffering, my dear Edmund," she said calmly, yet her eyes did not leave the boy. ,,Please don't torture me about the past or we'll have to go through it again, which is why you're here again," he returned confidently. The white witch's eyes narrowed briefly before she blew across the table. A map of the whole of Narnia and its territories built up from the smooth ice. ,,So much is already yours, High King Edmund. They have all fallen to you or submitted to me. The sea is tamed and the forests are frozen, everything is ours," she said, and a hint of madness seemed to float in her eyes. Edmund's eyes skimmed the map before stopping on one particular piece. ,,Miraiz Castle. It was broken over time before it was rebuilt. But now it has its king back. There is only one king, one high king, and that's me!" Edmund hissed, his fingers gripping the goblet tighter. ,,I was not the one who rebuilt it. 

The people there, those sailors, built it over time. As well as you, you helped it shine anew. I wasn't there, you forget, I was locked up, my dear," she reminded him briefly, whereupon Edmund gave her a threatening look before they both concentrated on the map again. It is not far from here, it is true, the king of this race is still alive. But it was your condition that you would take care of it, Edmund," she said thoughtfully. ,, But it was also your task to find this lion and I don't see him. Neither as an ornament on you, nor decapitated and impaled, and certainly I do not see him dead," it came spitefully over his lips. 

A crack ran through the inside of the table and went all the way to Edmund. ,,You know as well as I do that he has retreated to his land. You have seen it before, but have you entered it? So don't lecture me, my soldiers are already looking for him, but no one has returned from his land!" She took another sip of the alcohol, upset. ,, But I have heard a rumor, only a small one, but they say that they are back, and all of them... your brother and sisters".

Edmund let go of his goblet and looked at her, but behind his eyes was bewilderment. ,, How? That's not possible Susan and Peter are too old and even Lucy should be too old by now" he started to get loud and stood up. ,,You seem to forget, Edmund, that you too are an adult. But look at you, you're still here through me. It was only a matter of time before the lion or...someone else calls for your miserable siblings". Edmund's rage discharged as he slammed the goblet against the cracked icy walls. The ice and metal shattered and several cracks were visible on the wall. Only the wine flowed down like blood, slowly but steadily. ,, Where is he? We had him, I had him! I was so close to having everything and everyone, including him, belong to me. But then he disappeared. So where is he!" he shouted at the user of the ice. 

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