Grief and Family equals a broken man

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~ Takes place bevore the first chapter ~

The water parted and everyone knew it was time to go. Despite the sun shining so peacefully, a storm raged inside Edmund. "I will never see him again," it went through his head several times . A fact that he could not escape and it hurt all the more to be able to put nothing against this helplessness. He had fought in wars, defeated monsters and adventures. But the fate of his own fate he could not change. His hands clenched into fists as he felt his overcoming fear and grief. His eyes went to Aslan who looked at him with a knowing expression. Before the boy looked to him his heart as he called Caspian. "Don't you dare cry, you're a man," another voice sounded in his head and Edmund cursed him. Lucy was already standing at the portal with their mutual cousin, waiting for her older brother.

But he couldn't move, he was still trying to perceive every part of Caspian, to keep it in his mind until he died. But he was amazed when Caspian spread his arms and smiled at him. ,,Come here my darling" he said and his accent was heard.
Edmund moved towards his lover with difficulty and with each step his heart ached more and more.

Only when he stood in front of Caspian and he pressed him against him did he sob. ,, Caspian, I-I don't want to leave you. I don't know if I can live without you," he said, tears rolling down his cheeks. Caspian stroked his back. ,, Shhh all is well my darling. We will meet again, our love is too strong for that" the older whispered in his ear. But when Caspian wanted to break away, Edmund pressed him against him again. ,, Please don't send me away. I don't want to go back to this cruel world, I want to stay with you please" he pleaded and his tears ran down his face more and more. Caspian's eyes were slightly red and watery himself, he had also cried, though not as much as Edmund.

Caspian now squeezed him a little tighter out of his grip before wiping away his tears with his thumb. Before he smiled sadly at Edmund and stroked his hair. Caspian took Edmund's hand and the younger was surprised at first. However, when he saw Caspian take the ring from his hand and put it on Edmund's index finger, the younger man said. ,,I wish we had had more time, then this could have had more meaning," Caspian admitted and gave Edmund a last heartfelt kiss that meant goodbye. ,,It is really not possible that he stays?" Caspian asked the lion.

But the animal only shook his head before saying, ,,No, he must go, his task is done, he came when Narnai needed him. Now it's time to go," he announced. ,,But Caspian needs me, he loves me and I love him. He calls for me and I for him," Edmund tried. ,,No, my son, it didn't work like that. Your love is strong. But not so strong that it opens portals to Narnia," Aslan tried to explain, but that was one of many blows. Anger gathered in Edmund when he heard what Aslan was saying.
,,Our love is sincere and heartfelt, it is the purest in Narnia, it is strong enough!" he told the god and received only a sad look. ,,Edmund is all right, we'll see each other again, I promise," came the reassuring voice from Caspian, who had taken his lover's hand.

With a last glance and a kiss on the back of Edmund's hand, the sailor released the King of Narnia.
,,I love you, Edmund, forever and ever, until the end of time," Caspian said as Edmund took just one more step through the portal. ,,I love you too my heart Caspian," was the last thing he said before the water burst over them.

The floods engulfed the three people before they emerged gasping for breath in the room of their uncle's house. None of them said anything until Eustace flinched as his mother called out to him. ,,I-I should go and check," he stammered, still visibly upset. That left a confused looking Lucy and a beside himself Edmund. Lucy stood next to Edmund who fixed the picture. ,,I-I didn't know that you two -" she began, but fell silent as Edmund wordlessly picked up the picture and put it back on the wall. ,,It's over, we'll never see him again. We have to come to terms with that," he said coldly, his heart tearing inside him. He gave Lucy an appraising look before leaving the room. When he reached the bottom floor of the house, he grabbed his coat and cap. ,,I'm going for a walk," he called into the house, but before he could rush out, his aunt called to him, ,,Edmund, will you please bring a bouquet of flowers for tomorrow's meeting at my book club and make it look nice".

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