The Girl Who Was Pushed Too Far

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It was the summer of 1995. It was a blistering hot day for the residents of Little Whinging, Surrey, and it was especially hot for 15 year old Alison Lilian Potter, a.k.a. The Girl Who Lived, a.k.a. The Girl Who Lied, a.k.a. The Girl Who Went Mad. That last title about summed her up to a tee, though. For the first time in the history of the Daily Prophet, they actually said something truthful about her... even if it wasn't how they imagined it.

Alison Potter, a 15 year old girl with long, chaotic, raven-black hair, a petite form, and emerald-green eyes that had dulled since the end of her 4th year at Hogwarts, sat on a swing set in the park, mourning over the death of her fellow schoolmate and fellow Triwizard Champion, Cedric Diggory.

Alison had tried to convince Fudge that Voldemort was back and that Cedric's murder had been by Voldemort's hand, but Fudge wouldn't hear it. Instead, he started calling her an attention-seeking whore, and it didn't help that her friends wouldn't even tell her what's been going on with the Ministry. She was completely left in the dark. She felt betrayed yet again, she felt indignation, rage, and spite towards those who've abandoned her to this Hell.

Because of the countless betrayals she had suffered in the past, along with the abuse she's suffered both in the Muggle world, as well as in the Magical World. Combined with the visions she had been getting from Voldemort, was it any surprise that she had finally lost her mind? She had just been pushed too far over the precipice of sanity that she was now falling into the black abyss of madness with no way of climbing out.

Because she had been driven into insanity, she was glad to have gotten out of #4 Privet Drive... at least for a little bit. She didn't want to have to put up with the Dursleys... which, she supposed they had felt her aura since they steered clear of her since she had come back from Hogwarts. They knew she was on the verge of becoming dangerous if they continued to push her buttons. Like a Gazelle knowing it's about to be food for a prowling Lion. At least, the bastards still had the instincts to avoid her, lest she take out her ire on them.

She could feel it. Boiling underneath her skin. A white, hot rage burned as hot as Fiendfyre, and caused just as much damage to her already fragile mind. The rage she felt towards the Ministry, towards Dumbledore, towards her so-called "friends", and pretty much everyone who's slighted her. When Voldemort makes his appearance, and the Ministry can no longer deny that he's back, Alison held no inclination of saving their ungrateful arses.

The ingrates would reap what they sowed. Alison was quick to hold grudges, and she would take those grudges with her to her grave. She resented Dumbledore for forcing her to come back to the Dursleys when she was clearly unloved, and she resented him for not giving her magic-bound, oath-sworn Godfather a fair trial so she could live with him, she resented her friends for abandoning her and most likely living the good life while she suffered day after day.

She had enough. No more would she allow herself to be treated like shit. She had put up with it for far too long. She suffered in silence while the Dursleys beat her, starve her, and treat her like a Morgana-damned slave. No more would she allow herself to be systematically abused by literally everyone!

She was brought out of her thoughts when her cousin's obnoxious laughter tainted the air, accompanied by his gang of delinquents. "That was a good one, Big D!" Piers Polkiss exclaimed.

"Yeah, that was bloody brilliant, mate!" Dennis agreed, nodding enthusiastically.

"Hey, Big D. Pick on any 4th graders lately?" Alison asked sarcastically.

"This one deserved it. He gave me cheek, he did!" Dudley exclaimed as he and his gang zeroed in on their primary bullying target.

The raven-haired girl in question raised an eyebrow that was certainly Snape worthy, and had a sneer on her face that would make Malfoy green with envy. "Oh yeah! Real brave, targeting people younger than you. I applaud you for such courageous behavior." Alison sneered.

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