
21 5 2

3948 points.

Naib was looking at the score from his rank matches. He was the second best survivor after Patricia who already had reached the 4000 points. Not that he personnaly minded, to him it was not a fight to be the best survivor. He couldn't care less about it. He was looking at the list, his eyes slowly going down reading name by name.

Luca Balsa : 1534 points. #11

Number 11? Naib was sure that he used to have more points. Since he was a decoder he was most of the time always the first target. The one with the least points was Freddy Riley, the lawyer. This guy didn't care about rank for the least. He participed in one rank match against Michiko and lost, his ego took a hit similar as getting roll over by a bus and since that he refuse to do rank. Naib shrugged and turned his heel to go get some food. He was hungry. He walked to the kitchen and searched for food. He heard a soft gasp from behind him and quickly turned his head.


The grave keeper was thightly holding onto a bowl of warm cookies he had made. Naib's eyes looked back and fort at Andrew and The bowl of cookie.

"It smells good, you gon' eat that all by yourself?"

The grave keeper shaked his head, Andrew putted down the bowl of cookie on the counter and started eating them with Naib. The grave keeper was almost like a ghost , beside in match it would be hard to find him out of his room. Sometimes he saw Norton trying to flirt with Kreiss but honestly he looked like a pure dumbass. Andrew was quite very tall, his clothes could make him seem skinny but he actually had some tiny muscle. He sure didn't had as much as William , Norton or Naib but there was still some. Andrew always seem like someone calm and reserved. Avoiding people like the plague and refusing any invitation for potential future friendship. Naib didn't thought much about him, beside being rescuer they shared nothing in common.

"Norton flexed that you finally accepted to let him take you on a tiny date, is it true or does this asshole lie more than a rat?"

Andrew sighed at the question.

"I wouldn't call it a date....... More like..a hang out? And to be fair, I'm not sure if I will go.... Even if it's only in the garden my room seem more enjoyable. "

Damn he actually answered? Naib swallowed the cookie he was munching on and looked at Andrew.

" Norton is a very big Idiot and a upper class moron, but if you asked him a simple hug, I'm 100% sure he would never let go of you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't like to act like cupidon or that kind of bullshit but, give him a chance."

The grave keepers expression was now suprised, he nodded and kept eating in silence.

Naib deeply hated when it was his turn to clean the hallway of the manor. The manor was so big and for what? The Mercenary was moping the floor of the main hallway that leaded to the hunter's side of the manor. This was the last part of the manor to clean. He opened the door leading to the hunter's side. The athmosphere got cold and tense. It brought back terrible memory from war. Naib could hear the cries of pain from his friends, cold sweat going down his face, he tighten up his grip on the stick of the mop.

" Hello Naib..."

A voice that Naib truly hated from the bottom of his heart. Jack The Ripper was watching him from afar, his slender silhouette was standing still. His mask was hiding his face but the mercenary could feel tbe intense stair coming from the hunter. Naib sighed and kept mopping , ignoring the tall male. He never liked Jack, he found him annoying and disgusting. His pleasure of making people suffer. Naib passed near Jack and still avoided his look. Jack laughed under his mask and grabbed the Mercenary by the troath.

"Where is the arrogant and annoying so famous mercenary hm? "

Jack's voice was piercing through Naib's ear like a knife. Naibs face squirmed in pain. He was struggling to breath.

"I think......that....it went up ...your fucking ass.....I thought you ....liked that kind of thing.....my bad asshole you look like......someone.....who enjoy....being treathe ...like a fucking whore."

Naib grinned in annoyance when he saw that it made the Ripper mad. Jack tightened his hand around the Mercenary's neck.


The prisonner's voice echoed in the empty hallway. Jack turned his head toward the prisonner and dropped the merc before walking away annoyed. Luca quickly walked toward Naib.

"..aren't you in a match?" The Mercenary asked , catching his breath.

"Mary was friendly so I decided to leave earlier to help burke... are you okay."

The mercenary scoffed
"Of course I am, this bitch is trying to impose his non-existant dominance."

The prisonner frowned. And helped the merc get up. Luca looked at the mercenary, he only noticed now how kinda small he was. Naib looked upto see Luca staring, which quite annoyed him, he dislike when people stare for too long at him. The merc went back to pick the mop on the floor and the bucket full of water. The prisonner stared awkwardly. He didn't want to leave naib alone after what he saw.

"Can I help?"

Naib looked at Luca intrigued. Why did he wanted to help. Beside Tracy barely anybody ever helped him...

"Sure , but don't be a burden."

Luca smiled embarrassed.

"I'll try¡"

Confusing attraction [Naibluca]Where stories live. Discover now