Car rides and memories

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"School?!" Mei asks, looking up at ema " want me to take you to school?"
" don't have to but all the trains are cancelled and the busses are too late"
Sighing, Mei sits and leans back on her bed. It's been 2 days since Natsume, Tsubaki and Mei went on their 'fun day out'. No improvement socially, but Mei can now go downstairs without having a heart attack. It seems the brothers have resorted to simply ignoring her, now they all meander about and Mei stays as far away as possible from them.
"When are you leaving?"
"Like, now. You can take Miwa's's just, all the brothers are busy with something so they can't take us"
"Oh, yusuke and fuuto."
Mei rolls her eyes and scoffs "isn't that guy an idol, can't he get a limo?" She then gestures to the pile of video games and movies laid out on her bed side table, "anyways, I'm busy"
"Fuuto can't be seen in limos, the paparazzi are just round the corner and if they saw a limo they'd know it was h-"
"Oh, boohoo, poor little rich boy." Mei grumbles sarcastically. Then huffing, she crosses her arms and mutters a reluctant "fine"
"Oh thank god, here's the keys" ema sighs in relief.
Looking up at her, Mei takes the keys and glances over Ema's face
This girl, this girl, is the girl all of the brothers just magically fell in love with?
Hazel big eyes, hair curling and shaping her face. Face oval and small. Dressed in an oversized school cardigan, she is the epitome of cute.
Mei doesn't necessarily dislike the girl, the feeling of pure annoyance at her definitely dulled down. She would say she has no feelings towards any of the Asahina siblings.
But Mei can't help wondering, did Natsume fall in love with her? Did he kiss her? Did he fight over her? Mei can't really blame him for moving on, last time any kind of romance happened between those two, Mei was 14 and him 18. Yet natsume had left so suddenly, after Miwa had disappeared he seemed to follow soon after.
At Least he said goodbye, Mei still held that grudge against Miwa.


"So you don't even have a witness?" the plump man sat In front of her, pushing up his glasses. Mei couldn't help but think that if he tried to stand up he would get suck in the chair.
"Well...well miwa knows about it-" Mei sits in the chair, body hunched forward, hands clutched together, twiddling her thumbs.
"Well Miwa doesn't come here anymore, she's already told all of us, she will no longer be volunteering"
Mei looked up, not quite believing it. Only yesterday she had said how mad she was, how she would 'most definitely be there'.
"And considering how unlikely your statement is, I'll have to send you out"
Mei was sent out soon after. She was barely able to whisper out a single word of complaint, she'd gotten so used to having the right things happen to her.
Like 'if something bad happens to you, people will serve justice'. It was a fact that had been pummelled into her mind by that exact same woman who is unable to turn up as soon as Mei needs her. She'll be back soon though, Mei had to trust her for that. She adjusted her shoulder bag, and reassured herself that Miwa took various holidays all the time. She would probably come back home, kick the door open with various souvenirs and scream 'lets go kick some ass!'. Mei smiled, and remembered the times Miwa had come in with her extreme tactics. Her smile never faded. Mei reached her room. Laid out on her pillow was a note, and written out on it was the words 'I'm sorry-Miwa'.
Mei's smile still didn't fade, as she stared at the note, so neat and tidy. Delusion was crowding her mind 'no, no, no....Miwa will be here in a few days'.
Mei's smile didn't falter, as she choked out tears. As her eyes closed and her body caved, her smile didn't falter.
Her smile didn't falter, as she ripped up that note and stuffed it in her bin.
Her smile didn't falter, as the dinner bell rang and she ignored it.
Her smile didn't falter, until finally, it did.
Because Miwa didn't take holidays, and Miwa didn't change her number, Miwa didn't leave notes, Miwa was trust worthy. So she knew, Miwa had left her for good.
That night Mei thought about everything, how she couldn't trust, how bad things will always happen.
As another cruel thought entered her mind,
Another brick was added to her wall of ignorance.
"Watch out you idiot!" Fuuto shouts in the back seat, as mei swerves to the side, avoiding an approaching car.
"Fuck!' She exclaims under her breath, Ema flinches slightly at the word. She sits next to Mei, nervously fidgeting at the reckless driving.
They are all cramped into the car, yusuke had exclaimed 'shot gun!' As they were approaching the car. Then realised Ema was there and conveniently changed his mind.
So now, yusuke and Fuuto sit uncomfortably close to each other, as Fuuto curses at Mei.
"Mum's gonna kill you if you crash her car!"
"I'm not gonna crash it! I've done this load of times!"
"What? Attempt a suicide on the ro-" Fuuto is interrupted by a loud honk.
"Asshole!" Mei shouts at the car in front, and is replied with an even louder honk and a muffled
"Will everybody just be quiet" yusuke says,
"No!" Fuuto and Mei shout In unison, as Mei finally approaches the school.
Parking beside it, Mei says a simple "leave now"
Yusuke and Ema climbs out the car, with an obvious sigh of relief. Whereas Fuuto stay seated, frowning ahead.
"What?" Mei asks, glancing back at him,
"You know I can't be seen coming out of a car like this" he huffs.
"And why is that?"
"Rumours will come out! That I'm slacking, or broke, or-"
"Fuuto, you're not that big of a deal. Get out the car before I goddam make you"
"Well then move the car before I goddam make you"
"I'm warning you-"
"How the actual fuck do you think this helps?!" Mei wheezes, keeping her hands behind her.
Fuuto turns the wheel slightly. Yet squashed next to him is a angry Mei. Having had enough of Mei's reason, Fuuto climbed through to the front and managed to share a seat with Mei, and control the wheel.
"You can't even drive! What the hell is this!"
"Shut up"
"Excuse me! I'm older then you!"
"There" Fuuto sighs, pulling the car to a halt.
"You're a shit driver" Mei says, looking at Fuuto's inaccurate parking.
"Well you're not the best either, and I haven't even got my license"
Fuuto kicks the door open, and Mei sighs in relief as he steps out, and hits the door closed behind him.
"Can't imagine him falling for Ema, that psycho" Mei mutters.
Kaname sits on the park bench, leaning forward. He wears something completely different to his usual attire. A black t-shirt and grey jeans, hardly screaming "a loving monk".
He couldn't stay in that place anymore, all that inner peace shit.
He thought there would be water falls and cherry blossoms, as he discovered who he 'really was'. All it was, was a boring meditation after meditation. If anything it made him bitter.
So here he is, stuck in a park bench with nowhere to go because all the trains and buses are cancelled for some strange reason.
Mei turns another corner, getting closer and closer.
Annnnnnnnnnnnd done!
I have finally fully planned out the plot line of this story so I know exactly what's going to happen!
Well........the basis of it.
I know it's bad I finally figured where all this is going just now, but it's a fanfiction so who cares.
I want to once again thank everybody who is reading this story!
All feedback is welcome!
Till next time.......

You excited for kaname? ^_^

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