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Hiya everyone! Thanks for reading the last chapter, as the last chapter wasn't really planned and I sort of wrote it in the whim of the moment definitely going to make this one longer.
The hospital room is cramped, filled to the brim with young handsome men and a young beautiful maiden. From the look of things, you might think the woman unconscious on the bed was simply extremely popular with men, or her parents reproduced like bunnies and she ended up with this bundle of siblings. The girls passing the hospital room definitely wanted it to be the latter, they wanted the men to be single.
"She fell of the balcony!" A young man's voice pipes, he stares at his twin in disbelief, his quieter, more mature twin Azusa nods his head "my god! She robs us, is rude to our dear sister then falls off the bloody balcony!"
"Calm down Tsubaki, the woman may be a bitch but there's no reason to broadcast it" Natsumi shakes his head, he pulls at his tie nervously though, as if he's scared to meet the bitch.
"Why are we even here?" Yusuke asks, blushing Wildly as his sister Ema is pressed against his shoulder, "I mean the woman robbed us"
"Mum said we needed to meet the girl" Ukyo says, standing straight backed right in front of the bed.
Mei just hears the blurry voices at first, everything is so dark, she thinks she may have gone blind. Then realises her eyes are closed, and simply decides to listen. The voices continue to talk of her and she can't interpret why. Did she do something wrong? Well of course she did, that's what she does, wrong things.
After debating it for a while in her own head, she decides to open them.
The siblings are all surprised to see the violet eyes opened, with a strange sense of innocence about them too. Mei hates the eyes bearing into hers though, makes her wish she could just snap them shut again, someone could pry them open later.
She stares at them all for a while, planning to do this for an eternity, or until someone interrupts her.
Which is exactly what happens.
"Mei!" Mei's eyes shoot upwards and meet with the blue eyes she had despised, loved and wanted all at once for years now.
"...miwa?" She asks in disbelief, pushing herself upright with her arms.
The woman begins to approach her, her eyes show happiness, all Mei's do is glare.
"Don't come near me" she growls
"What? Mei, it's me, miwa"
"You left" she mutters, shaking her head rapidly and pressing herself against the bedpost "you goddamn LEFT! Do you know what hell I had to go through at that orphanage?! I TRUSTED YOU! and you just DISAPPEARED!"

The woman lifted the blade and raised an eyebrow at Mei.
"What the hell is this?" She asked, tapping the instrument carefully, then harder as if she was trying to break it.
"Nothing" Mei muttered, "and what are you doing in my room?"
"I bring food" miwa says, lifting a pack of crisps and some pocky sticks
"I'm not hungry"
Miwa sighs heavily, as if she has the weight of the world on her shoulders.
"My god Mei, you need to eat something, it's ok to be skinny but you're unhealthy" she pushes the food closer to her face, as if she's willing her to eat it.
"That's sorta the point"
"Of what?"
"Not eating" Mei quickly grabs the blade miwa still grasps, "this is mine"
"Mei, I'm not an idiot, I highly doubt your using that blade to ward of the monsters under your bed"
"Theres monster under my bed?"
"No, I- I didn't mean it like that, I just think you using this blade to ward off the monster in your...in your head" miwa says, leaning against the bare stone wall, "and God knows a blade is not the way to do it" miwa reaches her hand out, smiling gently, "just trust me, give me the blade, eat the food and trust me."
Mei sighs deeply, still with a look of concern and worry. If she gives her the blade will she be happy? She's known this woman for years now, there must be a reason why she cant trust her. Pain is better then no feeling, Is what she thought.
"I won't leave you" Is what miwa said, as if it was her last argument.
That did it, the cool sharp metal was dropped into Miwa's hand,
'It's okay' Mei thought to herself 'she may be annoying, but I'll have to trust her'
But that pecking of worry kept digging into her mind.
Hope you enjoyed, I'm not sure when I'll update next but I hope this chappie was good.
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