Chapter Two

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-Alexander Romano-

As a single father, and in my case also the leader of a mafia, it's not always easy. I love my daughter more than anything and would kill anyone who even dared to think of harming her. To this day, hardly anyone has been stupid enough to even dare to do it. Nevertheless, I have to think realistically. Elena is and remains the daughter of the leader of the most powerful mafia in the world.

My little princess discovered her passion for dancing at an early age. First she pulled herself up on everyone to just bob her knees, and the next moment she was spinning and jumping like a beautiful ballerina. Even though Elena is only six years old, she is already doing so incredibly well. At just three years old, she was already raving about becoming a professional dancer.

With our background history, this is unfortunately very difficult if not impossible. Elena's mother never wanted anything to do with her. When she found out about her pregnancy with Elena, she hid it from me and wanted to terminate the pregnancy. As selfish as it may sound now, I forced her to keep the child and go through with the pregnancy.

I offered her money, which she received after the pregnancy, to disappear and get out of my and Elena's life. During the pregnancy I found out that she had cheated on me a few times. So I distanced myself from her and concentrated only on making sure that the baby survived the pregnancy safe and sound. As soon as Elena was born, her mother disappeared with the money and never showed her face again.

At first I was a bit hurt by it. But as time went by, I realised more and more that it was probably better that way and that I could take care of my daughter much better on my own. 

She is the most important thing in my life and I don't know if I would still be here without her. She is this tiny bit of innocence and peace in my life. In my world. In a film, Elena would be this untouchable little girl in a pink dress.

Around her is this shiny blue bubble that fends off everything that could even be dangerous to her. She doesn't understand what is happening around her. She has no idea what danger she is actually exposed to every day. And yet, subconsciously, she knows that she is part of something very big. I try to do everything I can to keep Elena out of everything as well and as long as possible. I want her to grow up sheltered. Sounds only minimally unbelievable and also kind of ridiculous.

A child growing up sheltered and safe as the daughter of a mafia leader? I open the driver's door of my black van before getting out and letting the door swing shut. Attentive and with confident steps, I make my way to the entrance of the run-down building. 

Some of the windows are no longer there, having been smashed with a stone or shot through with a bullet at some point. I carefully open the rusty metal door and enter the building. The building, like many around here, must have been empty and decaying for some time.

Nature is fighting its way back and conquering the crumbling floor and old furniture. In the distance, you can hear water dripping somewhere on the ground. My every step echoes in the almost empty rooms. I cross dark, damp and musty-smelling corridors and rooms until I finally hear a loud bang. I knew, of course, that there wouldn't be a tea party with dolls and cuddly toys somewhere, but one can still hope, can't one? I draw my gun and walk slowly on.

It is very quiet and nothing can be heard except the incessant dripping of the water. With my gun in my hand, I walk slowly and as silently as possible down the long corridor that smells of decay. Everywhere, the old and by now probably completely soaked wallpaper is peeling off the mould-infested walls. As I enter a large, poorly lit hall, the dripping becomes louder and louder. I resolutely follow the dripping and finally find myself in the far corner of the hall. What I see there is anything but appetising. But it is not dripping water either, as it now turns out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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