update 5.1 kinda bc i like, got sad and wrote smthn lightheared consider thjs

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the first instance of filler kay mira outttttt)

Eventually the time came and everyone was shoved into the storage closet, there was like a single night light , and one broken light that refused to turn on. you turn over in your uncomfy cot that smelled like all sorts of chemicals were smeared all over it and you hear a crunch, it's the crumpled up paper in your back pocket, you never got to reading it so you decided to just get to it now and go to bed.

The note read "Come to my office after first period!" , you could hear his annoying voice though the pages and as much as it was funny reality set in, what the fuck was gonna go down in that office?

Needless to say you did not sleep up until 3am where you attempted to sleep but got woken up by the door opening, you looked out the small window in the door , it was Bully, you were a bit scared to follow him but it was 3am anyways so.

You catch up to bully , "hey what are you doing? it's like 3am?" you whisper to Bully , "you dont know? The teachers leave at night" he said, "still? Theres security cameras probably???" you say ."they havent been fixed since the early 80s according to Baldi we should be fineeee" he said, after that you just shut up and followed Bully to wherever he was going.

Bully just casually walked into one of the classrooms and told you to stay there, he then came back with a bag of candy , it looked like it hadn't been touched in like 40 years but any sorts of candy here seemed like a deal , so you grabbed a handful and ate that shit conserningly fast.

"Can you give me your candy wrappers, we need to hide them , I've made a hiding spot outside" , huh??????? What? You just go along with it and follow him outside.

There was infact a hiding spot , a hole in the ground hidden by some mud , Bully would throw the wrappers in the comically deep mud puddle and walk of to go wash his hands , after whatever that was you just walked back to the storage sleeping room type deal and passed out not sure if this experience was a weird dream or not.

baldis basics fanfic I made while going BATSHIT Where stories live. Discover now