Where is she

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The sun is slowly going down and all the Gyptian children are returning home from playing or doing whatever their families had sent them out to do during the day. Maggie has set the table for herself and the two children. Lyra likes her cooking but was also a picky eater, Tony being a boy he ate anything and everything.

Tony walks in after washing up from being dirty and sits at the table. He noticed Lyra wasn't at the table and thought she must still be coming home after he said that it was fine for her to go off and do her own thing.

Maggie noticed Lyra isn't at the table. "Where's Lyra? Don't you think about lying to me Tony Costa"

Tony just shrugs his shoulders. "I dunno, we were playing, then she said she was going to go for a walk since she didn't want to play and that's when I last saw her"

Maggie starts to slowly panic, she doesn't know if Lyra is just slow coming home or if she'd been snatched.

"You had one job Tony, I know you don't like doing it some days, but you gotta remember who we promised.... We promised Asriel that's we'd keep his daughter safe"

Lord Fa could hear Maggie yelling from her boat. Since this is unusual, he investigates. As he was getting closer to the Costa's boat, he could feel the tension in the air. When he entered the boat John saw Maggie crouched on the floor with Tony standing over her.

"What's happened? Why were you just yelling?"

After saying that, John noticed Lyra never returned with Tony.

"Tony where is Lyra?" John asked knowing she should be with him. All he could do is shrug his shoulders again.

"What do we do John? I promised Asriel that I'll look after his daughter. I've let a dead man down"

Maggie drops to ground in hysterics. Lyra was like the daughter she always wanted, she loved that little girl so much. Her life didn't feel like it should be living right now.

"We can't do much now Maggie. When it's first light I'll personally start a search party and we will find the girl. Maggie fell into John's arms, she was happy to have such an amazing leader to their clan, but an even better friend.

It was Lyra's first night in the flat and Marisa wanted to make it extra special for her daughter. They had dinner out on the terrace as Lyra liked the view she could see from up there.

While the pair were coming inside a servant was setting up the tub for Lyra, she then offered to bathe the young child. Marisa was adamant, she wanted to bathe Lyra herself with no help. When Lyra walked into the bathroom, she saw the clawfoot bathtub, it was something she'd never seen before. Marisa slowly lifted Lyra into the tub, Lyra was expecting it to be cold as it was sometimes with Ma Costa.

Warm water flowed over the girl's head as Marisa scooped another cup full of water and made sure the child's hair was fully wet. Marisa made sure she had child friendly products to use on Lyra as she wasn't sure what was safe to use. A big blob of shampoo goes in Marisa's hands, she rubs them together, then goes for Lyra's hair. Lyra jumped at the touch of her mother touching her hair. "Sorry I didn't mean to make you jump darling" Marisa said while Lyra replied with "It's ok. Ma Costa was never gentle when it came to washing my hair, even though she didn't mean to be rough"

Marisa felt bad, it should have been her washing her daughter's hair all those years, but she wouldn't off picked anyone else to look after her daughter.

"After your bath Lyra, I've had someone set up the fire and you can tell me some things that you like to do, and I'll tell you some things I like so we can get to know each other"

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